  • 學位論文


The Impact of Institutional Treatment towards the Self-concept of Truants Resuming Interrupted Studies

指導教授 : 黃富源


為瞭解結束機構式處遇之逃學少年,回校復學後之自我概念影響與變化情形,本研究採質性之深度訪談方法,以立意取樣方式,尋求符合研究條件之訪談對象,直到樣本飽和共訪談了七位逃學之少年虞犯,並利用電腦軟體WinMAX系統,協助原始資料之編碼工作。 研究結果為:(一)機構式處遇使復學後之逃學少年虞犯產生自我概念之改變,影響因子共有二十九個自我認知因素。其內容涵蓋處遇過程的影響及機構式處遇的作用所造成的「有恥感的動力」,及讓逃學少年產生「自我關係的重塑」與「人已關係的重塑」等自我概念的改變。(二)自我概念改變因素之出現順序,分為「明恥期」、「漸變期」、及「定型期」等三個改變歷程。(三)少年回校復學並非逃學狀況皆不再出現,至少能保持不再被通報中輟的狀態;選擇主動回校復學者之復學穩定狀況較被動者為佳;少年逃學狀況能夠減少之主要原因,在於不想再被送入機構收容安置。(四)結束機構式處遇後,逃學少年在家庭、學校、社會適應方面適應良好,與他人的關係皆朝正向發展。(五)原始師生關係影響教師對逃學少年之標籤作用;同學間的標籤問題不常出現;社會同儕間不出現標籤現象,亦不影響同儕間的交往或認識新同儕。(六)整體評估,機構式處遇對復學後之逃學少年具有威嚇的功效及能達到「明恥整合」的效果;且使少年逃學狀況改善、自我概念朝正向變化,故對於經常性的逃學少年,以少年事件處理法移送處理,並無太大不適。 本研究最後針對警政系統、矯治機構、學校系統及觀護系統等提出建議,期望喚起各相關人員對防處少年虞犯事件之重視與努力。


In order to understand the truants’ self-concept influencing and changing situations after finishing experiencing the institutional treatment, returning to school, and resuming interrupted studies, the research adopted qualitative in-depth interview and purposeful sampling to seek for the interview objects that tallied with the research conditions until the samples were saturated. I interviewed seven truant juvenile status offenders in total, and utilized the software: WinMAX system to assist to do the encoding of original data. The research findings are as follows: 1. The institutional treatment made the truant status offenders have a change on self-concept after resuming interrupted studies, and the impact factors consisted of twenty-nine self-cognition factors, of which the content included the influence of the course of treatment, “the motive power with the feeling of shame” caused by the function of institutional treatment, and the truants’ change on self-concept of “re-molding of self-relationship,” and “re-molding of the relationship between people and oneself.” 2. The appearance sequence of self-concept changing factors were “the period of knowing the shame,” “the period of gradual change,” and “the stereotyping period.” 3. After these juveniles returned to school and resumed interrupted studies, it was not that the situation of cutting class never occurred again, but at least, they could keep the condition of not being reported as dropouts anymore; the ones that chose to return to school and resume their interrupted studies voluntarily had a better and steadier condition of recovery of schooling than those who did it passively; the main reason that the juveniles’ condition of running away from school could be decreased was because they did not want to be sent to any institution for detention and settlement anymore. 4. After the institutional treatment ended, the truants adapted themselves well to the family, the school, and the society, and their relationship with others developed toward a positive direction. 5. The original relationship between the teacher and the student affected the teacher’s label effect for the truant; the labeling problem among classmates did not occur often; the labeling phenomenon did not appear among social peers, and the association among peers or the situation of knowing new peers was not influenced. 6. To evaluate from the whole, institutional treatment had an intimidation effect on the truants after resuming interrupted studies, and it could achieve the result as in “reintegrative shaming,” improve the juveniles’ condition of running away from school, and make their self-concept change toward a positive direction. Therefore, for the frequent truants, to hand over the cases to the court according to the Handling of Juvenile Delinquencies Law is not inappropriate. Finally, the research made suggestions for the police system, the correction institution, the school system, and the probation system, expecting to arouse the relevant personnel’s paying attention to the prevention and handling of truant status offender events, as well as their efforts.


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