  • 學位論文


The Study on the Marriage Registration

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


婚姻制度之良窳,不僅影響當事人間之權利義務,亦影響其子女、親屬及第三人,故現代各國無不就其公益上考量,決定符合國情之婚姻政策並立法訂定婚姻制度,自2008年5月23日起我國現行民法第982條將結婚登記修正為婚姻成立之必備條件,此修正有利于國家公權力介入規範結婚行為,具有公示夫妻身分的兩性結合、可預防和減少違法婚姻、保護善意當事人及其子女利益,確實可大幅改善儀式婚主義公示效力薄弱之缺點,堪稱立意良善。 然現實生活中,卻仍存在實際婚姻關係與結婚登記不一致之情形,如涉外、涉大陸人民結婚時,或當事人有共同生活事實具婚姻外觀,尚未至戶政機關為結婚登記,此未登記之「空窗期」可短可長,甚而導致重婚、事實婚等問題;另外由于受傳統習俗影響,我國長期盛行儀式之結婚制度,人們重視結婚儀式超過結婚登記,形成了結婚以舉行婚禮來取得社會承認之習慣,甫修正施行係採純粹登記制,因法律政策與婚姻習俗之扞格,實務運作上有「指定結婚登記生效日」是否妥適、登記機關之審查權為何、與涉外、涉陸人民結婚所面臨諸多問題,引發筆者研究登記婚之動機。 本文第一章為緒論。第二章探討婚姻與婚姻制度,分別論述我國婚姻制度之歷史沿革。第三章探討婚姻成立的法制化過程,詳論我國結婚形式要件從儀式婚到現行登記婚主義之修法過程。第四章論述登記婚之種類及性質,比較採登記婚主義之外國立法例。第五章分析我國現行採登記婚的法規範、性質、效力及結婚登記態樣、機關及程序。第六章探討我國採登記婚制所面臨之問題。最後第七章結論部分,除總結前述六章,並對於本文之問題意識及研究目的,為最終之歸納及提出建議。


Since May 23th, 2008, registration of marriage at Household Registration Offices(HRO) has become one of the requirements of legal marriage in Republic of China(R.O.C) as revised article 982 of the Civil Law. This revision, compared to the former marriage system, in which public ceremony was the only requirement to legal marriage, is believed with relatively legal efficacy to prevent from incidents of bigamy. However, people simultaneously marrying to one person abroad and to another domestically still happened under this newly reformation. Thus, it seems to be inefficient to transnational marriages. The purpose of this study focuses mainly on the reformations of the registration system through examining the history of marriage system, the substantive and procedures rules, specific requirements and related administative regulations. In order to explore the resolutions, methods of literature analysis, case studies, historical analysis, and comparative analysis were conducted in the research. This study try to conclude to establish the connection system, among government institutions such as Ministry of Foreign Affair, National Immigration Agency and Household Registration Office, could be one of the solutions to avoid incidents of bigamy involving transnational marriages, and necessity to provide a new marriage recognition system may be of significant importance to protect human rights from the aspect of marriages.


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