  • 學位論文


A Study of the Art of Architectural Brick Carving: Old Buildings in Tamsui River Basin as a Case Study

指導教授 : 李乾朗


磚雕是運用於傳統建築的裝飾,在台灣興盛於清代的咸豊、同治、光緒年間至日治初期。本研究主要是以淡水河流域及其影響區域為範圍,從嘉慶元年至民國40年,出現在古建築的磚雕為研究對象,探討的內容有下列二項: 一、以台灣現存之古建築磚雕為主,依磚雕在台灣的發展概況,分成萌芽期、興盛期、式微期,並歸納出磚雕在不同時期的發展及特色。 二、以淡水河流域的磚雕為例,進行研究與分析其結果如下: (一)磚雕所分布的建築類型有廟宇、民居、宗祠、洋樓。磚雕在建築上運用於對看堵、圓光門、牆面、隅角等位置。 (二)磚雕紋飾所蘊含之文化內涵,可分成空間意涵、文人思想、厭勝祈褔等三個不同面向。 (三)磚雕在構圖、題字、鈐印、各式瓶花的安排,悉遵照著中國文人的習慣與原則。綜合上述歸納出下列結論: 1.淡水河流域磚雕在題材、布局、內容、主題用色等,受到中國文人繪畫深刻影響。 2.在淡水河流域中其交通、政治力之因素,間接影響磚雕在廟宇及民居的流傳。


磚雕 建築裝飾 淡水河流域


ABSTRACT A Study of the Art of Architectural Brick Carving: Old Buildings in Tamsui River Basin as a Case Study bySU, YI-MEI November 2008 ADVISOR(S): Dr. LI,QIAN-LANG DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF FOLK ARTS MAJOR:FOLK ARTS DEGREE : MASTER OF ART Brick carving was applied to traditional architectural decoration. In Taiwan, it flourished from the times of Hsien-Feng, Tong-chi, Kuang-hsu of the Qing Dynasty through the beginning of Japanese occupation. This research limits its scope of study to the Tamsui River Bain and its affected areas to look at the brick carving of old buildings that emerged from the first year of Chia-Qing of the Qing Dynasty through 1951. Two things to be explored and discussed are as follows: 1.Using current existing brick carving as the main subject of study, I base its development in Taiwan and divide it into burgeoning, flourishing, and declining stages. Also, I lay out and summarize the development and characteristics of brick carving at each stage. 2.Using the brick carving at Tamsui River Basin as the focus of my study, I sum up the following points: (1)The types of architecture on which brick carving is found consists of temples, residential houses, ancestral temples, and Western buildings. Brick carving is employed at the places of face-to-face walls, Gate of Yuan-Kuang, façade of walls, corners, etc. (2)The cultural contents embedded in the pattern of brick carving can be divided into three different domains: spatial meaning, the thought of literati, avoiding evil spirits and praying for prosperity. (3)The arrangements of brick carving in regards to composition, inscription, seal-stamping and various flower patterns on vases all follow the customs and principles of Chinese literati. A.The brick carving of the Tamsui River Basin is deeply influenced by the painting of Chinese literati with regard to the subject matter, composition, content and use of colors. B.Factors such as transport and political influence, they indirectly affect the spreading of brick carving in temples and residential houses.


07.清.黃叔璥 ,《臺海使槎錄》,(台北市:台灣銀行經濟研究室)


