  • 學位論文


The Study of Sn/Ag/Cu Replaces Au/Sn used on LED Eutectic Die Bonding Process

指導教授 : 林俊良


本論文主要探討發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode, LED)封裝之固晶製程中,以共晶固晶(Eutectic Bonding)方式來取代傳統方式,提升散熱效果。本研究以錫/銀/銅來做為固晶材料,以濺鍍機(Sputter)沉積在晶片背部,再以加熱盤將晶粒固定於支架上,進行封裝至元件。量測結果在350mA之下的順向電壓(Forward Voltage, Vf)、接面溫度(Junction Temperature, Tj)、熱阻(Thermal resistance)共晶固晶方式都比傳統低,相較於金/錫之下有更低的共晶溫度、成本,可減低對支架的熱衝擊以及降低成本。


The paper is to discuss how is the effect of cooling down by using Eutectic Bonding during the packaging process and fastening the chip on the carrier of Light-Emitting Diode instead of the traditional way. In the study, we use Sn/Ag/Cu as the materials of fastening the chip on the carrier and deposit them at the back of the chip by Sputter then fasten the chip on the carrier by hot plate and package it to device. The result of estimation shows that Forward Voltage, Junction Temperature and Thermal resistance are under 350 mA which means Eutectic Bonding is better and lower than the traditional way. And compare with just Au/Sn, the way of using the materials with Sn/Ag/Cu has lower temperature and cost. Lower temperature could also reduce the shock to the carrier.


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