  • 學位論文


The Benefits of Horticultural Therapy: A Case Study of Children Living in a Children’s Home

指導教授 : 李彥希


何謂Horticultural Therapy,過去許多文獻都翻譯為園藝治療,園藝治療此名詞常因治療一詞備受質疑,而Horticultural Therapy是一種輔助治療的方案,並非正式的醫療行為,故本研究將Horticultural Therapy界定為「園藝輔療」。並將園藝輔療定義為:以植物為媒介,提供人接觸植物的機會或是操作園藝相關的活動,在這個過程中使人的身心理狀態恢復或紓緩,並在有心理上產生寄託與慰藉的一種輔助療法。 許多研究指出園藝輔療確實可減緩憂鬱程度,且透過園藝輔療活動的進行,可增進受測者的生理、認知、社交及情感之效益,並能提升身體活動力、責任感、專注力、自信心、社會互動力及園藝相關知識與興趣等效果。(朱凱薇,2006、賴筱嵐,2007、鍾晏瑜,2010、盧嬿羽、郭毓仁,2010)。 由文獻中發現園藝輔療之研究對象大多以學校或療養機構為主(吳思涵,2004、曾兆良,2005、朱凱薇,2006、陳國濱,2006),相較之下以育幼院院童為研究對象則較少。育幼機構傳統稱為「孤兒院」,但現今因社會需求的轉變,收容對象呈現多元化的趨勢,逐漸兼收單親、家庭貧困或兒童保護個案的院生。育幼機構院生面臨的是多重弱勢的一個處境,他們的生命歷程不同於一般正常家庭的兒童,在他們心理方面必須承受比一般兒童更多的壓力,長期的負面情緒影響可能會造成憂鬱之情形。因此引發本研究之動機,希望透過園藝輔療瞭解不同的園藝輔療活動(室內栽種、戶外栽種兩種類別)對育幼院院童具有何種園藝輔療之效益,並進一步希望可以透過園藝輔療減緩院童的負面行為、情緒之影響,故本研究的主要目的為: 1.透過園藝輔療活動瞭解園藝輔療活動 (室內栽種、戶外栽種、藝術品與手工藝、遠足或郊遊)帶給參與者何種效益? 2. 瞭解園藝輔療活動是否可減緩育幼院院童之憂鬱程度? 3.瞭解園藝輔療活動是否能改善育幼院院童之生活適應問題? 本研究實驗對象為中部某私立育幼院院童,本研究取樣方式是由育幼院機構諮商師在實驗操作前先進行生活適應量表、台灣版兒童青少年憂鬱量表前測,再經由育幼院機構諮商師轉介,人數共有10,年齡為9~13歲。本研究實驗設計了十九週的園藝輔療課程活動,將園藝輔療活動分為(一)室內栽種、(二)戶外栽種、(三)手工藝品、(四)團體活動。 研究結果顯示,園藝輔療對於育幼院院童具有提升生理、認知、社交及情感之效益,不同的園藝輔療活動對於育幼院院童具有不同的輔療效益;育院院童在憂鬱量表部分未並無所有院童都有明顯的改善,但仍有部分家童有減緩之趨勢,育幼院院童在生活適應量表部分未並無所有院童都有明顯的改善,但院童A、院童F、院童G、院童I仍有減緩之趨勢。


Horticultural Therapy is often translated and defined as horticultural treatment and being misinterpreted as it is in the science of Medicine. The term, therefore, has been controversial. In actuality, “Horticultural Therapy” is an assisting science in cure, not a medical treatment. So authors would define horticultural therapy as a therapeutic assistance. Many researches (Chu 2006, Lai 2007, Chung 2010, Lu et Kuo, 2010) have shown that horticultural therapy could lower one’s depression level. The therapeutic benefits of horticultural therapy include the increase in self-confidence, self-recognition, social interactions, and emotions. Moreover, it helps in increasing one’s energy, sense of responsibility, focus, confidence, social networking, passion and knowledge about gardening. Child-care institutions have traditionally known as the "orphanage", but due to the changing of social needs, the asylum object presents a wide range to integrated single-parent family, poverty or child protection cases. These people are facing a situation of multiple disadvantaged. They have more pressure than any other children. So a long period of negative effect of emotions may cause depression, thus triggering the motive of this research. This research hope thronging the different Horticultural Therapy activity for children living in Children’s home have what kind of benefit, And hope by through Horticultural Therapy to reduce negative behavior of resident children. Our case study is on the children of one private-donated foster home in Taichung area. Before the experiment, educators sampled 10 children with the age range of 10 to 13 years old. The research is a 19-week long horticultural therapy activity of four kinds: Indoor, outdoor, group activities and handicraft horticultural therapy activities. 1.5 hour for each week. Evaluate with self-design a measurement. According to the research results, horticultural therapy treatment that can enhance the effectiveness on Physical, Cognitive, Social and emotional for orphanages from children’s home. The different horticultural therapy activities have different efficacy benefits on individual orphanage. Not all the orphanages showed significantly improved on depression and life adjustment level, but still part of house kids showed the trend of deceleration.


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13. 張俊彥、李采薇、張元毓,(2011),職場園藝治療活動實務分享,工業安全衛生月刊,13-17。
14. 張建隆,(2006),園藝活動提昇慢性精神病患認知功能,碩士論文,臺灣大學園藝學研究所,台北。
