  • 學位論文


Adding Innovation Diffusion Theory to Technology Acceptance Model: Understanding Consumers'Intention to Use Biofuels in Vietnam

指導教授 : 鄭錳新


生物燃料日益受到重視,因為可以成為化石燃料(如煤、石油、天然氣等)的替代品。越南由於經濟快速成長而能源需求也成長。石油價格日益高漲,尋求替代能源是一個解決的方法。本研究結合創新擴散理論 (Innovation Diffusion Theory)與科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)、 探討使用生物 燃料 的影響因素、使用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling)、以 AMOS 軟體分析資料。本研究以問卷收集越南的302筆資料、分析結果如下:知覺有用性 (perceived usefulness) 正向影響相對優勢 、相容性、 與複雜性。 可觀 察性與可試用性正向影響知覺易 用性。結果亦顯示、科技接受模式適用於越南的生物燃料。知覺有用性、知覺易用性、皆正向影響態度、而態度正向影響使用意圖。故越南政府若要推動生物燃料、建議應讓消費者瞭解生物燃料的優點、則可提高越南人民使用生物燃料的意願。


Vietnam is an agricultural country and high rates of economic growth in the last decade led to growing energy demands. When the fossil fuel is becoming exhausted, petroleum price is increasing; finding renewable power resource is an essential solution. This study aims to combine the Innovation Diffusion Theory with the Technology Acceptance Model, to investigate factors affecting consumers’ intention to use biofuels. The structural equation modeling technique and Amos program were employed. The relationships between five innovative factors and the perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), as well as relationships among TAM are explored. Overall,the research model and the hypotheses were confirmed. PU is positively affected by relative advantage, compatibility and complexity. Observability and trialability have significant relationships with PEU. The results show that PU, PEU have positive relationships with attitude of biofuels, whereas attitude significantly influenced intention to use it.


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