  • 學位論文


Mechanical Properties and Biological Performance of Titanium-Zirconium Films after Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation Treatment

指導教授 : 張銀祐


鈦及其合金與鋯金屬在牙科診所與整形外科診所是常被用使用的人工關節和植入物,由於其具良好的生物相容性與機械性質,植入物和植入物表面形貌的機械性質與材料設計皆會影響治療效果。本研究目的是通過電漿電解氧化(PEO)來使鈦(Ti)與鋯(Zr)具有多孔結構的氧化膜製備於鈦基材。 使用陰極電弧沉積系統(CAE)在拋光的純鈦(Cp-Ti)基材上製備一層TiZr薄膜,控制不同的鈦(Ti)與鋯(Zr)靶材電流,使鈦鋯成分比Ti/Zr分別為1.6、1與0.6,在將製備好之TiZr薄膜進行電漿電解氧化,使其表面產生多孔陶瓷膜。 經電漿電解氧化處理之多孔陶瓷膜,利用X光繞射儀(X-ray Diffraction,XRD)、場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field-emission scanning electron microscope,FE-SEM)、形狀測量雷射顯微鏡觀察薄膜的表面形貌、結晶性以及表面粗糙度,觀察其特徵組成、晶體結構、表面形貌和與潤濕性。 結果得知,TiZr薄膜經電漿電解氧化處理後,表面產生多孔結晶鈦和鋯的氧化物,並其提升表面粗糙度以及親水性。觀察人體骨瘤組織細胞(MG-63)和人皮膚纖維細胞(SKF)在不同TiZr(PEO)氧化物薄膜上生物活性、細胞活力和基因表達。MTT測試的結果得知,人體皮膚纖維細胞(SKF)在TiZr(PEO)與TiZr薄膜試片相比,TiZr薄膜具有較高的生物相容性,TiZr-0.6表現出最好之細胞活性。MG-63細胞活力在TiZr(PEO)上,比TiZr鍍膜還要來的高,TiZr-1(PEO)表現出最好之細胞活性。MG-63細胞通過RT-PCR和瓊脂糖凝膠電泳基因數據顯示,在TiZr-1.6(PEO)與TiZr-1(PEO)有較好的基因表達。RT-PCR在SKF細胞黏附相關基因,如纖連蛋白,膠原I和III型,和層黏連蛋白,TiZr薄膜皆有顯著的基因表達。 TiZr(PEO)陶瓷膜適於骨組織細胞的生長和分化, TiZr薄膜在人體皮膚組織(SKF)有較好的細胞活性與生長。TiZr薄膜未經PEO處理與PEO處理後所產生的多孔陶瓷膜,兩者設計和製造可以在牙科和整形外科植入物提供更好的細胞結合與分化。


Titanium, titanium alloys and zirconium have been used as artificial joints and implants in clinic of orthopedic and dental because of their good properties of biocompatibility and mechanical performance. The present work is aimed to fabricate titanium (Ti) or zirconium (Zr) oxide films with porous structures onto Ti substrates by a plasma-electrolytic oxidation (PEO) procedure. Before the PEO treatment, a series of TiZr alloy films were deposited on polished pure Ti substrates using a cathodic arc deposition system with different deposition cathode current ratios of Ti/Zr. The post-PEO-treated surface layers were characterized for its composition, crystalline structure, bonding states, surface morphology, and wettability. The results showed that porous crystalline titanium and zirconium oxides were formed using the PEO treatment for the TiZr films. To evaluate the bioactivity, cell viability and gene expression of human osteosarcoma cell line (MG-63) on different TiZr oxide films were determined. The results of MTT tests showed that the higher cell viability of MG-63 was found in PEO-treated TiZr films higher than TiZr film. Gene expression data by RT-PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis showed that MG-63 cells exhibited notable osteogenic gene expression. The cell adhesion-related genes, such as fibronectin, collagen types I and III, and laminin. The TiZr film were also remarkably expressed in the gel imaging. It suggested that the PEO-treated TiZr films were suitable for bone tissue- derived cell growth and differentiation, while the TiZr films showed good cell growth of soft tissue cells. The design and fabrication of TiZr oxide films with specific composition and porous surface layer with and without PEO treatment may provide a better material environment for different cell bonding, living, and differentiation in dental and orthopedic implants.


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