  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Applying Toyota Production System to the Small and Medium-Size Enterprises

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥


中小企業是我國經濟發展的重要主體,近年來面臨全球化及中國大陸低價勞力市場的競爭,國內中小企業的經營環境面臨嚴竣的挑戰,要解決生產製造型態的困境,必須從根本源頭加以建立,唯有提高生產力、提昇品質及彈性化的生產,才能在競爭激烈的環境下生存。以中小企業在資源較不足的情況下,在導入豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System, TPS)時,相較於大型企業須面臨更多的障礙,為使豐田生產方式推行順利,本研究試圖以專家問卷調查方式,藉由詮釋結構模式(Interpretive Structural Model, ISM)來探討豐田生產方式構成要素間之相互影響關係,並結合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)進行影響豐田生產方式關鍵要素優先順序權重分析,研究結果顯示以員工意願與向心力(18.34%)、高階管理者的支持(15.78%)、全面品質管理(12.07%)、品管圈(9.68%)、5S活動(7.06%)、六標準差(5.27%)、自主性管理架構(3.9%)、JIT採購(3.14%)、終生僱用制度(3.1%)、年資薪資系統(2.92%)等所佔權重近80%,可作為中小企業在實施豐田生產方式重點規劃之參考,以期提升企業之競爭力。


Small and Medium-Size Enterprises (SMEs) mean an important subject for local economic development. Recently, with the threat of enterprise globalizing and low labor cost from mainland China, business climate makes local SMEs have to face harsh challenges. To ease the hardship of production models1, it is required to establish flexible production systems with high productivity and quality thoroughly. As such, it is just available to survive from the environment with violent competitions. Limited by deficient resources available for SMEs, when Toyota Production System (TPS) is introduced, compared with large enterprises, SMEs actually face more obstacles. To implement TPS smoothly, in this research, expert questionnaires are conducted to explore the mutual influence relationships caused by various production factors by means of Interpretive Structural Model (ISM). Also, it is also combined with Analytic Network Process (ANP) to implement weighting analysis of key factor priorities for TPS. Research results show some factors like employee intention and coherence (18.34%), support from high management ranks (15.78%), overall quality control (12.07%), quality control circles (9.68%), 5S activities (7.06%), 6 Sigma (5.27%), autonomous management structure(3.9%), JIT procurement(3.14%), lifetime employment system(3.1%) and seniority pay system (2.92%) occupy 80% roughly. The reference is available for SMEs to implement TPS focusing on key point planning. It is expected enterprise competence can be improved dramatically.


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2.于宗先、王金利 (2000),台灣中小企業的成長,聯經出版社,台北。
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