  • 學位論文


On the “Women Question”: The Romance of the Rose, The Book of the City of Ladies, and Troilus and Criseyde

指導教授 : 金守民 馮品佳




In 1405 Christine de Pizan writes The Book of the City of Ladies to challenge the misogynist conceptions in The Romance of the Rose which derives from religious as well as classical sources. Christine argues that it is “virtue and morality” that makes one superior to the other, rather than sexual difference. Chaucer chooses a different way to present his concerns about whether women should be equal to men and be regarded as individuals. Chaucer thinks that denying women as individuals is inhuman; however, he is also troubled by the consequence if women are considered individuals. This thesis aims to present Chaucer’s ambiguous position on the “women question” through both of his protagonists in Troilus and Criseyde. In Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer applies Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy to explain the relationship between Fortune and free will. According to Larry Scanlon, the function of Fortune in Troilus and Criseyde is to show the inevitability of the patriarchal power. On one hand, Criseyde is able to show her free will and ability to judge and act when she confronts Fortune/patriarchy in Chaucer’s Trojan story. On the other, all the choices Criseyde makes turn out to benefit men, the central power of patriarchy. On the contrary, Troilus as a part of the patriarchal system reveals that the hierarchy in the designation of Fortune/patriarchy is unbreakable. The reactions of Troilus and Criseyde to Fortune/patriarchy are gendered and disclose Chaucer’s hesitation about whether women should be free from the control of patriarchy. Chaucer’s ambiguous position on the “women question” not only shows his personal viewpoints but also represents the troubles and contradictions in the Middle Ages.


Blamires, Alcuin, ed. Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of
Brown-Grant, Rosalind. Christine de Pizan and the Moral Defense of Women.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
---, ed. The Book of the City of Ladies. London: Penguin, 1999.
Brownlee, Kevin, Sylvia Huot. Rethinking the Romance of the Rose: Text, Image,
