  • 學位論文


Characteristics and effects of soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactors.

指導教授 : 曾迪華


本研究選用三種不同性質廢水,包括TFT-LCD光電業廢水、生活污水及毛滌業廢水,各自經前置處理後進入其MBR處理而出流;分別對原廢水、MBR進流、槽中及出流水進行水質採樣分析與SMP組成成份分析,並取MBR出流水進行UF膜濾實驗,觀察不同性質廢水經MBR處理所產生的SMP特性與影響。 研究結果顯示TFT-LCD廢水屬於高氨氮廢水,經過AOAO程序處理去除水中七成以上的SCOD、DOC,而經MBR處理去除八成以上的有機物質及三成雙鍵物質,分子量分佈由廣泛分佈於208Da至>6kDa轉變為主要分佈於<3kDa為主,槽中薄膜去除了大部份大於6kDa之物質,MBR槽中微生物於基質充足的情況下,所產生的SMP以UAP類為主,而出流水中以SMP含量(碳水化合物與蛋白質成份)居多;DW廢水為易分解廢水,水質較為穩定且易處理,經MBR處理去除八成SCOD、六成DOC,對於雙鍵物質去除效率較差僅5%,其分子量分佈由大於3kDa轉變為以小於3kDa為主,MBR中微生物產生的SMP含量及變異性均較低,以EEM分析可知出流水中含有多量的腐植酸成份物質殘留,與文獻比較可推論槽中SMP應為BAP類;WPI水質特性為難分解廢水,經過其前置處理程序去除九成左右的SCOD及DOC,廢水中含有較多雙鍵成份物質,這些有機物經MBR處理可再去除五成左右,然而雙鍵物質僅能再去除兩成,故出流水中仍含較高濃度的雙鍵物質存在,水中物質以分子量小208Da為主,MBR槽中微生物於基質不足且難分解的情況下,產生BAP類SMP,且包含許多腐植酸成份物質,使得出流水中SMP含量高且變異性大,且造成出流水中SCOD、DOC含量較高。 使用30kDa的UF膜處理TFT-LCD之MBR出流水,膜面未形成濾餅層,滲透液通量緩慢下降;對於DW及WPI之MBR出流水而言,膜面觀察出蛋白質類及含羧酸官能基之物質,顯示UF薄膜會截留大部分疏水性蛋白質成份的SMP,而多數的碳水化合物成份及腐植酸成份物質則殘留於UF滲透液中。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and effects of soluble microbial products (SMP) produced from pre-treatment processes and membrane bioreactors for treating different types of wastewater, including TFT-LCD industry wastewater(TFT-LCD), domestic wastewater(DW), and wool processing industry wastewater(WPI). The samples were analysed with water quality and the composition of SMP for raw wastewater, the influent of MBR, the inside of MBR and the effluent of MBR. After that, the effluent of MBR was filtrated by UF membrane to observe the properties of SMP. The result shows that TFT-LCD was a high concentration of ammonia-nitrogen wastewater. The removal efficiencies of organic compounds are more than 70% for pre-treatment process. The efficiency was increased to 80% and the MW distribution was changed from between >3kDa and 6kDa to <3kDa after the treatment of MBR. Due to the sufficiency of substrate in MBR, the component of SMP was formed with the major of UAP as well as there was a plenty of the carbohydrate and protein in the effluent of MBR. On the treatment of DW wastewater, which was easily biodegradable, the removal efficiency of organic compounds was 60-80% and MW distribution was changed from >3kDa to <3kDa after the treatment of MBR. Although the removal of organic compounds with double bond was only 5%, the concentration of SMP was low as well as the major component was humic substances analysed by EEM. The component of SMP may infer the major of BAP from the contrast with literature. On the treatment of WPI wastewater, which was a refractory organic wastewater, the removal efficiencies of SCOD and DOC are about 90% for pre-treatment process. These organic compounds were further degraded to acquire another 50% removal efficiency and a little removal of double-bond substance. Consequently, there are more residual humic acids, SMP, high SCOD and DOC concentration in the effluent of MBR. However, the major region of MW distribution was <208Da and the component of SMP was the type of BAP. On the filtration of 30kDa UF membrane, there is no cake layer on membrane surface and permeate flux decline slowly at the filtration of MBR effluent for TFT-LCD. Nevertheless, the observance found protein-like material and carboxylic acid functional group on the surface of UF membrane. This revealed that most of hydrophobic protein of SMP was rejected by membrane, on the other hand, carbohydrate and humic acid material was permeate into the effluent of UF.


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