  • 學位論文


Le Petit Chaperon rouge à Taïwan : adaptations et diffusion de 1945 à 2010

指導教授 : 許凌凌


家喻戶曉的〈小紅帽〉(Petit Chaperon rouge),在台灣流傳了一百年,為台灣童書市場中流通量最大的童話故事之一。其主要流傳版本以法國貝洛(Perrault)童話與德國格林(Grimm)童話為主。流傳的這一百年間,都無可避免地被貼上「童話」標籤。國人對於「童話」的定義為何?與西方世界的解讀是否相同?是否影響國人對西洋童話(conte de fées)的翻譯?本文欲就以下三個方向進行分析。 第一部份,描述「童話」在台灣流傳的起源。說明西洋童話如何傳入台灣,藉以重新勾勒「童話」觀念在台灣的演變,歸納〈小紅帽〉以「童話」型態在台流傳的原因;並進一步分析百年間台灣所經歷一連串政治、社會、文化變革對〈小紅帽〉在台灣的出版可能造成的影響。 第二部分,探討〈小紅帽〉在台灣的版本問題與典藏情況。由於國內圖書典藏對童書缺乏系統性的整理,使得研究者在展開童書中譯本研究時困難重重。有鑑於此,我們進行各時期譯本的蒐羅與整理,並歸納一份圖書館典藏譯本清單,希望能彌補研究上的缺憾。 第三部分,分析《小紅帽》的翻譯問題與國內作家的改寫。筆者挑選四本《小紅帽》圖畫書,提出翻譯實例探討:譯者為符合國內讀者對「童話」期待,在翻譯上進行大幅度的增修;此外,進一步剖析、介紹國內作家針對〈小紅帽〉所撰寫的戲仿版童話。


小紅帽 兒童文學 經典文學 童話 貝洛 格林兄弟 台灣


Little Red Riding Hood, which is one of the most popular fairy tales in the market of children’s book, has been circulated for more than one century in Taiwan. The most widely-known editions are based on the Brothers Grimm’s version and the Charles Perrault’s version. During this century of circulation, Little Red Riding Hood could never avoid being labeled as a “Tonghua”.What’s the definition of this term in Taiwan? Is it the same as the western term “fairy tale” ? Dose this label influence the Taiwanese translationof Little Red Riding Hood ? This paper aims to explore the above questions in the following three research directions. In the first direction I explore the origin of circulation of “Tonghua” and explain its development in Taiwan.I also sum up the reasons behind its circulation in Taiwan as “Tonghua” and the possible political, social, and cultural impacts to the publication of Little Red Riding Hood. Second, I aim to examine the problem arose from different editions and how well the book Little Red Riding Hood are preserved. Due to the lack of systematic collection of children’s book in libraries, the researchers have a lot of difficulties to study the “translation of children’s books”. Therefore, in order to make up this deficiency, I collected the translation of Little Red Riding Hood in every different period and summarize this book in a detailed list. In the third part, I analyze the problem of translation with Little Red Riding Hood and the adaptation of local authors. I choose four editions of children’s book Little Red Riding Hood and discuss how the translators rewrite the fairy tale to meet readers’ expectation of “Tonghua”. In addition, some adaptations written by Taiwanese authors are introduced in the end.


