  • 學位論文


Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for Printed Circuit Board Baking Equipment

指導教授 : 于樹偉




The ever increasing popularity of mobile devices has had a great impact on the components suppliers. One of the key elements of the supply chain is the printed circuit board, PCB, manufacturers. Taiwan''s PCB industry occupies a significant role globally because of its competitive edges in manufacturing technology, production capacity, and competent personnel. However, because of the complexities of the manufacturing processes and the consumption of highly flammable organic solvents, precautionary measures must be taken to prevent industrial accidents. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA, is an effective tool in examining potential product or process failures, evaluating risk priorities, and determining effective prevention actions against identified problems. Major steps of FMEA analysis include identification of all possible modes of failure, identification of all possible causes of failure of each mode, determination of the likely effect and the likelihood of each failure, calculation of the risk factor for each cause of failure. A major advantage of FMEA is the use of detectability of a failure. Unlike simple risk matrix, FMEA uses the risk priority number, RPN, to rank risks. RPN is calculated by multiplying the ratings for consequence, likelihood of occurrence and detectability of an identified failure. If properly conducted, FMEA can provide effective prevention measures. This study uses FMEA to evaluate the risks of PCB process baking equipment and analyze all potential failure modes that may lead to fire hazards. The baking equipment fire safety program is divided into four elements, namely, hazardous substances controlling and protection, safety management and maintenance, fire detection and protection, and fire zoning. Results of the study provide significant improvements on PCB process baking equipment fire safety.


29.吳貴彬、陳相如,失效模式與效應分析之應用,中華民國品質學會第39 屆年會暨第9 屆全國品質管理研討會,2003年11月,頁1-11。


