  • 學位論文


The Family Life Experience, Self-concept and Values of the Children’s of Female New Immigrants

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


摘要 在進入民國100年的現在社會,新台灣之子已經佔每年新生兒的十分之一,而且已經有一部分進入上大學、就業和當兵或婚嫁的階段了,新移民女性的婚姻對於新台灣之子的成長過程的影響、價值觀的形成、自我認同,及對於異性觀念和婚姻經營的態度是如何?很多相關的研究都顯示新台灣之子在國小階段因為文化刺激不夠和語言能力欠缺造成學習遲緩,筆者想繼續追蹤新台灣之子在上了高中職後的學業表現。 本研究目的為探討新台灣之子的家庭成長經驗、自我概念、人際關係和兩性觀念。研究方法採取「質性研究」,立基於現象學與詮釋學,透過文獻探討,擬定半結構式的訪談大綱,採取深度訪談等研究方法,以立意抽樣方式,選取研究參與者,並加以匯集而來的描述性資料,加以歸納分析,在就所得資料相互交叉檢驗,以提昇可信度。 本研究結果主要發現有:受訪之新台灣之子並沒有因為父母的買賣婚姻而看不起遠嫁異國的母親,也沒有因此影響到他們的婚姻觀。訪談的外配母親幾乎都是家裏的經濟支柱和勞動力來源,新台灣之子對母親是疼惜和尊重,在別人有歧視母親言語時,甚至會情緒或肢體防衛。而新台灣之子的婚姻並沒有如假設的會以物質為取向,11個個案皆認為婚姻需有愛情為基礎並需互相幫助扶持。 一、 新台灣之子即使成長於家暴的環境,也會自我省思暴力的本質和害處,11個案皆回答自身不會做出任何暴力行為,已經有戀愛經驗的9個個案在戀愛過程中也未曾使用過暴力或是遭受過言語或是肢體暴力。 二、 新台灣之子的國籍定位取決於本身是否會講母語和母親母國的認識程度及親友來往緊密程度,成正比取向。11個個案中有7個認為自己是台灣人,有4個認為自己同時是兩個國家的人民,至於原本假設的影響因素「遺傳的外表」並沒有對新台灣之子的自我定位有影響。 四、 新台灣之子課業成績呈M型化分佈,並不是都是刻板印象的「外籍新娘的小孩都學習遲緩」,訪談個案有6個成績前十名,其他5個卻是倒數,但是學習環境都類似,父母並非刻板印象的放任不管,而是皆認真督導,新台灣之子想學,但是不知如何快速有系統的學習,較缺乏的是課業的講解者、督促者以及學習態度的培養。


Abstract In current Taiwan society, the 100th year of the Repubic Era, children of new immigrants have been estimated almost one-tenth of the yearly neonates. Some of them have stepped into the stage of colleges, occupation or marrige. In order to track down the impact of cross-marriage on children of new immigrants about self-concept, the struggle in dual citizenship, the attitudes towards marriage and the love relationship. Many concerned researches told that children of new immigrant have academic difficulties during the period of elementaty school due to the lack of exposure to the cultural and language stimulus. The propose of this research is probe children’s of new immigrant lived experience, self-concept and the attitudes towards love relationship and marriage. This research method is qualitative research based on hermenutic phenomenological methodology, through the purposive sampling and semi-structured in-depth interviews to analyze the descriptive information and check with cross examination to strengthen the credibility of this reaserch. The results of this research are : The first point: The children’s of new immigrant choices of dual citizenship rely on the degree how much they are familiar with the country’s culture, the lanuage and mother’s relatives there. It turns out that it’s in direct proportion; seven out of eleven cases think they are Taiwanese and four cases consider they are citizens of both two counties. The second point: The children of new immigrants don’t look down their mothers for mothers’ mercenary marriage and their values about marriage are unaffected. Most of the foreign brides support the families’ economy and the children of new immigrants respect their mothers and their heart bleed for their mothers’ suffering fates. When others discriminate against their mothers or them, they would take action to protect their mothers and themselves. All of the eleven cases consider that marriage should be built on true love and trust, not material. The third point: Even the cases had ever experienced family violence; they would reflect the nature and disadvantages of violence. All of the eleven cases responded that they won’t have any violent behaviors. The nine cases that had love experiences didn’t use or suffer from verbal or physical violence. The fourth point: The academic performance of the children’s of new immigrants appears in M-shaped distribution. Six of the eleven cases are outstanding in academic performance, but the other five cases’ school grades are in terrible situation. Nervertheless, their learing enviornment are similar. What influenced their academic performance is the lack of inspectors, assistant and systemic learning methods.




黃冠傑(2014)。臺灣少年小說中的新移民議題 ── 以張友漁《西貢小子》為觀察核心〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613582578
