  • 學位論文


The Hunting Culture in the Literature of Taiwanese Aborigines: A Case Study in Husluman Vava

指導教授 : 浦忠勇


狩獵展現出原住民族深刻的思維與宇宙觀,更是形塑族群圖騰的文化資本,經過時空變遷後,轉而成為記憶懷想的聯繫。對身為「原運世代」原住民族文學書寫梯隊之一的霍斯陸曼‧伐伐來說,透過主體動能的書寫,擁抱母體文化,將布農族最純樸真實的狩獵文化開展於世人面前,儼然是文化回歸的契機。是以,本論文將以「狩獵文化」作為切入主軸,主要以伐伐之文學作品《那年我們祭拜祖靈》、《黥面》、《玉山魂》及田野調查為輔的《玉山的生命精靈》、《中央山脈的守護者:布農族》為文本分析對象,試圖進一步剖析伐伐如何藉著狩獵書寫展現沛然的布農族文化。 在伐伐尋溯重構我族記憶與認同的作品中,對獵人圖像的書寫,主要是養成過程中的期待與注重,進而成就自我及族群存在價值的符碼;同時作品中保存的布農神話蘊含生態旨趣,展現與族群、土地連結的厚度,從而揭示布農獵人與自然的關係。最後本論文總結出霍斯陸曼‧伐伐在族群主體建構過程中,正因為省視自我身分認同,故文本醞釀出狩獵文化的特殊調性,可以視為在強化、重構族群未來的一種努力,並確立由文學成就彰顯生命的意義;另外,更或許會是一個契機,吸引族人回到原鄉,達成文化回歸面向。


Hunting presents deep thinking and cosmology of Aboriginal peoples, it is shaping the cultural capital of ethnic totem, and it transforms into memories nostalgia ties after temporal change. Husluman Vava, who is one of the Literature of Taiwanese Aborigines writing echelon in "indigenous movement generation", is hugging the mother culture through the kinetic energy writing, and conducting Bunun's most pristine real Hunting cultural to the world as if it is an opportunity of the cultural return. Therefore, this paper will take 'Hunting Culture ' as a thesis statement, which is mainly analysing literary works of Vava's "We Worshiped Ancestral Spirits in That Year”, “Tattooed Face”, “Souls of Jade Mountain” and fieldwork supplemented “Life Spirits of Yushan”, “The Guardian of Central Mountain: Bunun”, and trying to further analyse how Vava does to present rich Bunun Culture by the Hunting Literature. During Vava used his literary works to search and reconstruct his own ethnic memories and identity, the description of hunter images is the main development of hope and focus, which become an icon of the value of self-achievement and the existence of ethnicity; his works simultaneously saved Bunun myth which contains ecologic purport which includes the thickness in the connection of ethnicity and land, which reveals the relationship between Bunun hunters and nature. Finally, this paper summarizes Husluman Vava established by the literary achievements to highlight the meaning of life by constructing the ethnicity, which is self-identity processing by brewing particularity of the Hunting Cultue in the text, which can be considered in strengthening an effort to reconstruct communities in the future; in addition, it may be an opportunity to attract aborigines return to their homeland and culture.


