  • 學位論文


The Cooperation Strategy and Challenge of Cross-strait Striking Cross Border Crime in Globalization

指導教授 : 趙文志 博士


自1987年起臺灣與中國大陸開放社會和經貿交流,使兩岸跨境犯罪日益猖獗,加上全球化趨勢的影響,兩岸間跨境犯罪不再侷限於邊境之內,已跨越國界逐漸向外擴散,造成跨國性的犯罪問題日益嚴重。 「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」於2009年6月25日正式生效,內容包括「司法互助」、「警務合作」、「人道關懷」及「業務交流」等事項,兩岸在密切聯繫合作下,得以有效打擊跨境犯罪,確保兩岸民眾權益及維護兩岸交流秩序。但相對兩岸長久以來由於主權爭議,也使政治因素影響到兩岸的合作。 近年來由於兩岸合作打擊犯罪,使原遊走兩岸的詐騙集團,逐漸轉移到東南亞各國,造成各國束手無策、損失慘重,加上毒品、洗錢及人口販運等跨境犯罪層出不窮,除使各國在打擊犯罪上無法置身事外,也使兩岸在共同打擊跨境犯罪上徒增困難。目前雖然已與越南、泰國簽有打擊犯罪協議,透過警察對警察的模式,擴大共同打擊跨境犯罪、人口販運、洗錢、毒品走私等不法,未來在共同打擊犯罪區塊,仍期待再有所突破和擴散。 「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」簽署至今已逾4年,因政治等因素,使人犯遣返與境外取證等方面慢慢浮現問題,甚至也因犯罪的轉移,使兩岸在打擊犯罪上產生困境,因此本文將藉由研究提供有關當局政策建議,以有效打擊兩岸跨境犯罪。


Republic of China(ROC) and People’s Republic of China(PRC) are opened up to the communication of society, economy and trade since 1987, leading to cross-border crime get from bad to worse. Accompanying the influence of trends in globalization, crossborder crime no longer limited in the Cross-strait andgradually spread out across countries.Cross border crimeturned out to be a growing transnational problem day by day. "Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement" had been executed on April 26,2009. The content included "mutual legal assistance","policing cooperation","humanitarian concern" and "business communication".The Cross-strait effectively strike cross-border crimes, protect the Cross-strait people’s rights and maintain theCross-strait communication order under closely mutual contact and cooperation. However, long-standing political disputes over the sovereignty on both sides of the Taiwan straits politically have an influence on the Cross-strait cooperation. In recent years,withthe cooperation of the Cross-strait over striking transnational crime, theCross-strait scam gang gradually transferred to the Southeast Asia.That caused the countries as below can’t do anything and suffer heavy losses. Additionally,the amount of drugs, money laundering, human trafficking and other crossborder crime constituted an alarmingly high growth.Consequently, all countries couldn’t steer of it on striking crime, and the Cross-strait joint fight against crime became more difficult. Although the crime-fighting agreement currently had been signed with Vietnam and Thailand, our governmentjoint attack the crime-fighting in cross-border, human trafficking, money laundering,drug smuggling and other illegal activities by taking police to police pattern. It would fuel a new outlook of proliferation and breakthrough with emphasis on co-operation in criminal matters. "Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement" had been signed over four years, repatriating prisoners and gathering for evidenceabroadare getting difficult gradually with political factors.Evenfor the crime transfer made Cross-strait cracking down on crime become more intricate. Hence, this research will provide advice and further amendment opinions as future reference.


林育珊譯,Jonathan Grix著,Top研究的必修課:學術基礎研究理論(臺北:寂天文化事業股份有限公司,2008年)。


