  • 學位論文

傳統製造業不同世代從業員工激勵因素 、工作特性與留任意願關係之研究

The relationship among motivation factors, job characteristics and intention to retain in different generation employees

指導教授 : 連雅慧教授


台灣傳統製造業面臨台灣人口結構老年化、勞動力減少趨勢,且不同世代員工工作價值觀有所差異,無法有效吸引年輕世代認同和留任,進而造成內部技術斷層,嚴重侷限傳統製造業未來成長和生存,本研究目的期望能透過實證研究探討不同世代的激勵因素、工作特性對台灣傳統製造業從業員工留任意願影響程度,提供企業在人力資源策略規劃參考。 南部傳統製造業從業員工約48.5萬人佔全國26%,嘉南平原三縣市合併為25.3萬人,占南部地區52%,因地緣關係此次問卷調查對象選擇嘉南地區傳統製造業廠商的在職員工,以便利抽樣方式邀請25家傳產製造業任職幹部,協助發放紙本以及電子郵件給企業的員工,範圍涵蓋食品、紡織、金屬製品、機電、化工、塑化、鋼鐵等重點產業,問卷回收至10/16止,發放329份,回收有效份數307份,有效回收率93.3%。 本次研究主要結果 一、 激勵因素中內、外在激勵對留任意願有顯著正向影響。 二、 工作特性對留任意願有顯著正向影響 三、 工作特性對激勵因素與留任意願關聯程度干擾效果並不顯著,僅外在激勵和工作完整性、工作自主性交互作用對留任意願有負向顯著影響。 四、 不同世代在激勵因素和工作特性有顯著差異,Y世代的留任意願和內在激勵、工作特性關聯性並不顯著,而技能多樣性對外在激勵和留任意願有顯著干擾效果,50歲以上(X世代前期)的員工透過工作完整性對內在激勵和留任意願有顯著干擾效果,工作自主性對內在激勵和留任意願有負向干擾效果,36~50歲(X世代後期)工作完整性對內在激勵和留任意願有負向干擾效果。 五、 台灣傳統製造業從業員工在部門別和職務層級類別上,對激勵因素、工作特性與留任意願變數上有顯著差異


Taiwan's traditional manufacturing industry is facing several issues: aging, workforce reduction trend, different generations of employees work values differ, and hardly to attract the younger generation. However, these issues cause internal technical fault, serious limitations of traditional manufacturing future growth and survival. This study expects to investigate the incentives of different generations through empirical research. The results will provide the companies strategically think their human resource management plan. Southern traditional manufacturing industry employees accounted for about 48.5 million people, occupied nationwide around 26%. The employees in Chiayi counties around 25.3 million, accounting for 52% of the southern region. This study focuses on the Chiayi region's traditional manufacturing firms’ employees. 25 well-known manufacturing capacity serving cadres to assist issuing paper and e-mail to the company's employees. With total of 329 questionnaires, there are 307 valid questionnaire, the effective returning rate was 93.3%. The main results 1. the intrinsic motivation factors, extrinsic motivation have significant positive impact on retention. 2. the job characteristics have significant positive impact on the willingness to stay 3. the job characteristics of the incentives associated with the degree of interference and willingness to stay the effect is not significant, only extrinsic motivation and job completeness, job autonomy interactions have significant negative impact on the willingness to stay. 4. different generations have in incentives and job characteristics significant differences remain willingness to Generation Y and intrinsic motivation, job characteristics correlation is not significant, but in the diversity of skills and retention incentives to external interference willingness to have significant effects, while 50-year-old above (X generation pre) internal employee motivation and retention in the will have significant interference effects work through integrity, job autonomy on intrinsic motivation and willingness to remain negative to the interference effect, 36 to 50 years old (X generation late) work integrity intrinsic motivation and willingness to remain negative to the interfering effect. 5. there are significant differences of incentives on the job characteristics and the wishes of the variables remain Taiwan's traditional manufacturing industry employees,


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