  • 學位論文


Self-Directed Learning Readiness, Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy, and Career Adaptability among Taiwanese College Students

指導教授 : 李藹慈


本研究目的為探討不同背景變項之大學生的自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力間的關係。本研究的目的為: 一、瞭解當前臺灣大學生之自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能及生涯調適力之情形。 二、比較不同背景之大學生在自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能及生涯調適力的差異情形。 三、探討與驗證大學生自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能及生涯調適力之因果關係。 本研究以臺灣大學生為研究對象,以分層比例抽樣方式,共回收1247份問卷,有效問卷969份,有效問卷率為77.71%。問卷調查所得資料以SPSS、AMOS進行描述性統計分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析,以及結構方程模式分析。重點研究結果如下: 一、當前大學生之自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力的程度皆為中等偏高。其中,大學生的「規劃與實施」、「生涯計畫信心」程度偏低。 二、整體來看,高年級大學生的生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力會優於低年級大學生。 三、整體來看,南部大學生的自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力,會優於北部大學生。 四、整體來看,公立大學學生的自我導向學習傾向、生涯調適力優於私立大學學生,但生涯決策自我效能則是私立大學高於公立大學。 五、有工讀、實習經驗的大學生在生涯決策自我效能上優於沒有工讀、實習經驗的大學生。 六、大學生自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力三變項間互為高度正相關。 七、大學生自我導向學習傾向、生涯決策自我效能與生涯調適力之因果模式,與研究資料適配度佳,其中自我導向學習傾向會直接影響生涯決策自我效能的程度,而生涯決策自我效能亦會影響生涯調適力的情形,而自我導向學習傾向和生涯調適力間同時存在直接與間接的影響力。 針對上述研究結果,本研究提出相關建議與未來研究方向參考。


The study aimed to explore the relationship between self-directed learning (SDL), career decision making self-efficacy (CDMSE), and career adaptability (CA) among college students in Taiwan. The purposes of this study were as follows: 1. To understand the status of the SDL, CDMSE, and CA among college students in Taiwan. 2. To compare the differences of SDL, CDMSE, and CA under different demographic backgrounds. 3. To construct a model among SDL, CDMSE, and CA. Moreover, to validate the model applying to college students in Taiwan. The subjects of the study were college students in Taiwan. With random sampling, 1247 questionnaires were released, which 969 copies were valid. Data collected was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Manova, analysis of correlation, hierarchical regressive, and SEM. The findings indicated: 1. The SDL, CDMSE, and CA among college students were at “rather agreeable” level. In addition, the degrees in “planning and implementing” and “career planning” factors were lower than other factors. 2. The senior college students’ degree of career decision making self-efficacy and career adaptability were higher than the juniors. 3. Students who studied in southern Taiwan have higher degrees of SDL, CDMSE, and CA than those who studied in northern Taiwan. 4. Students who studied in public universities have higher degrees of SDL and CA than those who studying in private universities. However, private university students’ CDMSE were higher than public university ones. 5. About in CDMSE, students who had a part-time job or an internship experience were better than not having any experiences. 6. SDL, CDMSE, and CA among college students in Taiwan were positively-correlated variables. 7. The model proposed to describe the causal relationship between SDL, CDMSE, and CA were supported by the data in the study. There were direct causal relationships among SDL and CDMSE, CDMSE and CA. Besides, there were direct and indirect casual relationships existed in SDL and CA simultaneously. Suggestions and directions for future research were discussed.


