  • 學位論文


International Mechanism of Refugees Resolution - Relevant Case Study

指導教授 : 李佩珊


國際社會目前面臨如何抑制與解決難民數量持續增加的情形,同時也遭遇許多難民所帶來的問題。為了緩解難民於所在地可能遇到的困境,國際社會許多人道救援組織在一些環境惡劣且產生嚴重難民問題的區域積極投入人道救援,藉此提供支援並希望能夠改善大部分難民的生活狀況,使其儘可能正常生活。然而隨著時代改變與全球化影響,國際組織的救援行動遠不及難民產生的速度,使得難民問題進而成為影響國家社會安全的一大爭端。   近來,位於印尼、馬來西亞與泰國之間的安達曼海域,不斷湧現滿載大批難民的漁船,當中人數最多是來自緬甸信奉伊斯蘭教的少數民族羅興亞人。此狀況引起國際間的高度關注,讓羅興亞人受緬甸迫害的情況再次浮出檯面,該危機也考驗著東南亞國家對羅興亞人處境的態度與處理能力。   為了瞭解東南亞各國在難民議題上是如何採取協商來因應,以及國際公約與國際組織對難民問題的態度與援助行動,本文試圖討論羅興亞難民的現況且透過兩個歷史案例-盧安達種族屠殺及以巴衝突探討難民處理的先例,並對照其與羅興亞問題的異同,提出國際組織與公約應用在羅興亞難民問題的適切性與解決機制。


International society now is facing the situation of how to contain and solve the growing number of refugees, and also the problems caused by refugees. In order to ease the difficulties what the refugees encounter in their location, many international humanitarian organizations active in humanitarian aid operations in some harsh environments and conflict zones, thereby providing support and hope to improve the living condition of the majority of the refugees to normal life as possible. However, as times change and the impact of globalization, international organizations rescue operations is not far beyond the speed of refuges generation, so that the problems of refugees become a major dispute affect national social security. Recently, the Andaman Sea, which is located between Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, are emerging fishing boat loaded with large numbers of refugees. The majority of people are ethnic minority from Myanmar Rohingya Muslim. This situation comes into international great notice and so the condition that Rohingya are persecuted in Myanmar surfacing again. The crisis also tests the Southeast Asian countries’ attitude and capability to deal with the problems on Rohingya. To understand how the Southeast Asian countries take consultation to respond the refugee issues, as well as the attitude and aid operations of international conventions and organizations on refugees, this paper attempts to discuss the status quo of Rohingya refugees. Besides, it will delve the precedent of refugee processing through two historical cases- the genocide in Rwanda and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and compares their similarities and differences with the Rohingya issue to propose the relevance and settlement mechanism of international organizations and conventions applying to Rohingya refugee problem.


