  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Employees’ Attitude towards Personal Data Protection

指導教授 : 洪新原


隨著個資外洩的案例層出不窮,個人資料保護已受到社會大眾極度的重視,而擁有龐大客戶個人資料的企業組織對於個人資料保護的因應方式亦成了大眾所關注的議題之一。本研究發現,在2012年新版的「個人資料保護法」正式實施後,多數企業面對個資法的不同因應方式,造成企業員工對於保護組織內部的個人資料產生不同的態度,而產生這樣的情況最直接受到影響的便是企業本身及其龐大的客戶。故本研究採用「個人、科技、組織、環境」以及「嚇阻理論」共五個構面,以企業組織的觀點出發,探討在企業環境下,有哪些因素可能導致企業員工在面對個人資料保護時,會有不同的態度產生。希望藉由最後的研究結果,幫助企業組織了解員工對於個人資料保護態度的影響因素,使企業組織在未來欲針對企業內部個人資料保護擬定相關規範時,能夠提供有效之參考。 本研究之研究對象為國內22間代表企業的員工,共回收了319份有效問卷。資料分析結果發現:對自身所處組織保護個資的態度、對IT預測性的信任、一般個資保護意識、法令規章、外部影響、以及處罰輕重,是顯著影響企業員工對個人資料保護產生不同態度的重要關鍵因素。最後,我們並根據研究發現,針對後續研究與管理實務,提出許多有用的建議。


Personal data protection grasps most of attentions with the breaches of personal data occurred frequently, and the enterprises’ personal data protection in response to the way also becomes one of the issues of public concern. After the implementation of the new released “Personal Data Protection Act” in 2012, enterprises differently respond to the act. It causes the employees have different attitudes to the personal data protection. For this reason, this research examines influencing factors from the Personal Context, Technological Context, Organizational Context, Environmental Context, and Deterrence theory to understand factors influencing employee’s attitude towards protection of personal data. Questionnaires were distributed to the employees of 22 representative enterprises and finally 319 usable responses were collected. The analytical results indicate that perceived organizational effort to protect personal data, trust in IT predictability, awareness of general personal data protection, laws and regulations, external influences and punishment severity are the key factors which affect the employees’ attitude towards personal data protection. Finally, some implications for academics and practitioners are also provided.


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