  • 學位論文


Studies on the Recreation Resources Utilization of Tainan Science Park and its Neighbor Areas

指導教授 : 毛冠貴


本研究目的為探討台南科學園區員工與鄰近三鄉鎮居民對於台南科學園區、鄰近新市鄉、善化鎮、安定鄉三鄉鎮與台南縣主要遊憩資源利用的同意程度,並利用文獻回顧、現地調查與訪談等方法,設計問卷內容,採立意與隨機抽樣之方式,回收328份有效問卷,進行問卷資料統計分析,最後提出下列三點結論。 第一,受訪者對台南科學園區、新市鄉、善化鎮與安定鄉的遊憩資源利用的同意度,以台南科學園區為最高,原因是園區遊憩設施齊全、種類多樣化,並佔地利之便,其中又以運動生活館同意度最高,鄰近三鄉鎮居民亦希望參照優惠園區員工的價格收費;其次為善化鎮,因鎮內有三級古蹟的慶安宮、全台首座觀光酒廠的善化啤酒廠、碩果僅存的牛墟、緬懷先聖的沈光文紀念碑、巴洛克式建築與紅瓦蓋頂的善化老街;再其次為新市鄉,鄉內有展示西拉雅文化與史前文物的新港社地方文化館、樹形奇特的夫妻樹、百年建築的張家古厝等遊憩資源;最後為安定鄉,鄉內西港大橋可觀看夕陽與曾文溪交織的自然美景。第二,台南縣10項主要遊憩資源利用的同意度,以關子嶺風景區為最高,原因是關子嶺溫泉受枕頭山特殊岩質的影響,泉水呈現黑色的鹼性碳酸泉,而有黑色溫泉的美名。其次分別為菜寮化石館、虎頭埤水庫,菜寮化石館為為台灣第一座化石陳列館,展示左鎮人與海陸動物的化石,免費參觀;虎頭埤水庫建造於1846年,是台灣最早興建完成的水庫。 第三,台南科學園區、新市鄉、善化鎮、安定鄉與台南縣的遊憩資源,值得利用,園區員工與鄰近三鄉鎮居民多同意規劃一日或二日遊程,並提供園區員工與鄰近居民從事地方觀光,增加休閒遊憩的機會,促進身心健康,激發愛護鄉土情懷,並帶動地方產業發展。


The objective of this study is aimed to investigate the degree of agreement of employees and residents on recreational resources located at Tainan Science Park and its neighbor townships including Hsinshi, Sanhua and Anding. Questionnaire was well designed based on literature review, on-site investigation and interview and distributed intently and randomly to the interviewee. A total of 328 effective copies of questionnaire was received and analyzed statistically. From which three important conclusions have been made. Firstly, highest degree of agreement in the utilization of recreational resources has been found in Tainan Science Park. The well-equipped and various kinds of recreational equipments setup by the Park and its convenient location may be the reasons that contribute to the highest degree of agreement, especially to the Leader Wellness Center in the Tainan Science Park. Residents at neighbor townships hope that they can have same discount fares just like the Park’s employees pay in using the recreational facilities at Leader Wellness Center. Second higher degree of agreement has been found for Sanhua Township. Shanhua has Chin-An Temple which has been classified as the level three ancient monument, Sanhua Brewery which is the first sightseeing brewery in Taiwan, Cow Market which is only one that still operating, The Memorial Monument of Wen-kuang Shen’s who was a saint and pioneer in local development, and the Old Historic Street that possessed with Baroch style red roof houses. Hsinshi Township is the third in degree of agreement. It has recreational resources such as the Hsing-Kuang Hsier Local Culture Hall which exhibits Siraya’s and pre-historic culture, the Couple Tree with special and unique shapes, and the Chang’s Old House. The last is the Anding Township which has Hsin-Kuang Bridge where is the best site to view the sunset scenery near the Zeng-wen River. Secondly, Guanziling Scenic Area gains the highest degree of agreement in utilization among 10 main recreational resources in Tainan County. The reason is that the black alkali spring water which is affected by the soil and rock of Pillow Mountain that lead Guanziling to gain the nice nick name of black hot spring. Next to Guanziling is the Tsai Liao Fossil Museum and Hutoupi Dam. The Tsai Liao Fossil Museum with free admit fee is the first fossil museum that demonstrating the fossils of Tuozhen Man and many kinds of land and sea animals. Hutoupi Dam built in 1846 is the first dam in Taiwan. Thirdly, the recreational resources located at Tainan Science Park, Hsinshi, Shanhua, and Anding Townships are worth utilizing. Employees of the Park and residents of neighbor townships almost agree to design one or two days trip for their needs in local tourism to enhance the physical and mental health, increase the recreational opportunity, to ignite the love of their homeland, and to promote the development of local industry.


