  • 學位論文


Distribution and characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in car dismantler plants from southern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 趙浩然 黃國林


多溴聯苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)是日常生活中普遍使用的阻燃劑(flame retardants)之一,且該物質具有高脂溶性、低揮發性、持久性與生物累積的特性,導致PBDEs逐漸受到重視。研究指出日常生活中的汽車含有高濃度之PBDEs,且汽車報廢後通常會運送至汽車拆解廠進行處理,因此本研究將採樣台灣南部三家汽車拆解廠廠內、外大氣樣本並使用高解析氣相層析質譜儀(HRGC/HRMS)進行30種PBDEs之分析,後續也將所測得之濃度進行統計分析(SPSS 18.0)。本研究結果顯示南部三家拆解廠中PBDEs濃度趨勢均不同,但主要同構物均為BDE-209,而廠內次要同構物為BDE-47,廠外則為高溴數同構物(如BDE-206與207)。拆解廠中PBDEs的差異分析,顯示除了D3拆解廠以外,廠內濃度均顯著高於場外濃度,而D3拆解廠廠外濃度較高可能原因為該廠位於工業區附近導致PBDEs濃度偏高。以Spearman相關係數分析結果則顯示廠內與廠外同構物均有良好之相關性(p<0.05),因此廠內同構物均會影響廠外同構物之分佈。最後本研究也評估計算拆解廠勞工的PBDEs吸入量,其結果表示三家拆解廠勞工暴露之濃度均高於一般居家室內,顯示拆解廠廠內勞工均暴露於高濃度的PBDEs,因此仍須特別注意該物質對健康產生之影響。


Brominated fire retardants (BFRs) including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are globally emerged persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the recent years. PBDEs are widely used in a number of commercially consumer products, such as upholstered furniture, textiles, and household electronic equipment to improve their fire resistance. Although several recent studies have shown that PBDEs were detected in indoor air and dust from houses, apartments, day care centers, offices, and cars, only few studies reported PBDE concentrations in indoor and outdoor air in the vehicular dismantler factories. In this study, indoor and outdoor ambient air samples were collected from three vehicular dismantler factories located at Kaohsiung city and Pingtung County in southern Taiwan between November 2012 and February 2013. Each air sample was approximately collected for 40 hours at ~0.225 m3/min with a PS-1 sampler (Graseby Andersen, GA) following US EPA Reference Method TO9A. The analytical method for PBDEs was according to US EPA Method 1614 . ΣPBDE concentrations in the indoor air from three vehicular dismantler factories were ranged from 69.3 to 756 III pg/Nm3 and ΣPBDEs were between 39.8 and 417 pg/Nm3 in outdoor air from these three factories. The mean and standard deviations of Σ30PBDEs was 305 ± 241 pg/Nm3 in indoor air and 205 ± 149 pg/Nm3 in outdoor air, respectively. Significant correlation coefficients for diBDEs and triBDEs (r=0.829, p=0.045), tetraBDEs and pentaBDEs (r=0.829, p=0.045), and PBDEs from octa to deca (r=0.886-0.943, p=0.39 -<0.001) were found in indoor air. The significant correlations were found among certain PBDE congeners especially for the highest brominated PBDEs from octa to deca. Highly correlation coefficients were performed among the highest brominated PBDEs from octa to deca in indoor air as well as in outdoor air indicating that octaBDEs, nonaBDEs, and decaBDE may be emitted from the indoor environment to the outdoor environment. In conclusion, PBDE concentrations in indoor air were higher than those in outdoor air from vehicular dismantler factories. PBDEs daily intake for the workers in the vehicular dismantler factory via inhalation was 17.0 and 23.8 pg/b.w./day for men and women. The vehicular dismantler workers exposure to PBDEs through inhalation from indoor air was minor compared with the PBDEs exposure routs from dietary and house dust.




