  • 學位論文


A Study on Adolescents’ Participation of Local Temple Troupe Activities - An Example of High School Students in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 鍾鳯嬌


本研究旨探討青少年參與廟會陣頭活動的現況及相關影響因素之研究。以屏東地區公私立高中職生為研究對象,採滾雪球的問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,共190人填妥問卷。以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較、皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究發現如下: 一、以男性、就讀高中職二年級、家中排行老大、雙親家庭、中社經地位家庭、父母以開明民主管教方式、信仰道教之青少年參與廟會陣頭活動的人數最多。 二、與朋友同去、參與抬神轎、參與未滿半年、半年參與1~2次、無獲得酬勞之青少年參與廟會陣頭活動的人數最多。 三、不同性別、學業成績、宗教信仰的青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之意願、動機逹顯著差異。 四、不同家庭結構、家庭社經地位、父母管教態度的青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之偏差行為逹顯著差異。 五、家庭支持中的「活動支持」分層面、「同儕關係」整體與青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之意願、動機呈顯著正相關。學校生活適應中的「學習適應」、「生活適應」、「師生關係」分層面與青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之意願、動機呈顯著負相關。家庭支持中的「家庭相處」、「同儕關係」整體、學校生活適應中的「學習適應」、「生活適應」、「師生關係」分層面與青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之偏差行為構面逹顯著負相關。 六、家庭支持之「活動支持」分層面對青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之意願、動機最具有預測力。「同儕關係」整體對青少年其參與廟會陣頭活動之偏差行為最具有預測力。 關鍵詞:青少年、廟會陣頭活動、家庭支持、同儕關係、學校生活適應


This study aims to investigate the phenomena of local temple troupe participation and the correlative factors. The samples of this study are based on senior high and vocational high students in Pingtung County, 190 adolescents who participate in local temple troupes are invited to fill out the questionnaires. A snowball sampling is used to collect the data. The descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Scheffe’s method, Pearson correlation, and stepwise regression analysis are used to analyze the data. The results were described as followings: 1. Adolescents who are male, second grade of senior high and vocational high schools, the eldest in the siblings, in intact families, middle social economic status families and under democratically parental discipline, and religion beliefs are took part in local temple troupe activities the most. 2. Adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activity the most, the biggest part of which enjoy joining local temple troupes activity with friends, and participating in carrying the god’s palanquin. They attend such circumstances about less than six months and once or twice six months but without any payment from the temples. 3. Regarding to the intention and motivation of adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activities, there were significant differences based on variables of gender, students’ school academic grades, and religion beliefs. 4. Regarding to the deviant behavior of adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activities, there were significant differences based on variables of various family structures, social economic statuses, and parental discipline attitudes. 5. There are significantly positive correlations between the intention and motivation of adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activities and the dimension of event support of family social support and peer relationship. There are significantly negative correlations between the intention and motivation of adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activities and the dimensions of “learning adaptability”, “life adjustment” and “teacher-student relationship” of the variable “school life adaptation”. There are significantly negative correlations between the deviant behavior of adolescents’ participation of local temple troupe activities and the dimensions of “family interaction”, “peer relationships”, “learning adaptability”, “life adjustment” and “teacher-student relationship” of the variable “school life adaptation”. 6. The dimension of “events support” within family support has the most predictability to the intention and motivation of adolescents’ participation local temple troupe activities. The dimension of “peer relation” has the most predictability to the deviant behavior of adolescents’ participation local temple troupe activities. Keywords:adolescent, local temple troupes, family support, peer relation, school life adaptation


