  • 學位論文


The relationship of the women myths of intimate partner violence and paternalism-a case of Pingtung County

指導教授 : 趙善如


本研究以父權主義觀點來探討屏東縣20歲以上婦女的親密關係暴力迷思,以瞭解婦女對於親密關係暴力迷思的認知。本研究假設婦女個人的基本資料與父權主義思維會對親密關係暴力迷思產生影響,並藉由分層配額抽樣以問卷調查法進行研究,共抽取384位研究樣本,以t檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸以及結構方程模式進行統計分析。重要研究結果如下: 一、婦女的親密關係暴力主要的迷思是,被害人迷思中,認為婦女被打是因為她用言語挑釁施者;在施暴者迷思中,認為婦女因外遇而被施暴者毆打是可以被接受的;最後在家庭迷思中,認為夫妻因為溝通不良才會引發暴力。 二、個人基本資料與親密關係暴力迷思之關係 (一)具有被害人迷思者,多為居住地為第四區分類、國小及國小以下教育程度、原住民魯凱族、已婚同居中以及養育子女數在四名以上。 (二)具有施暴者迷思多為60歲以上的年長者、國小及國小以下或國中(初職)、已婚同居或是喪偶以及養育子女數在三名或四名以上。 (三)具有家庭迷思多為國小及國小以下或國中(初職)、有求助於非正式社會支持。 三、親密關係暴力迷思之預測變項 (一)原住民魯凱族、年長者;具有父權主義思維家庭決策思維、政治參與思維與性別差異思維,容易受到被害人迷思的影響。 (二)國小及國小以下教育程度、父權主義政治參與思維和家庭決策思維,容易受到施暴者迷思的影響。 (三)國小及國小以下教育程度、年齡較輕者、父權主義政治參與思維、家庭決策思維和性別差異思維,容易受到家庭迷思的影響。 (四)國小及國小以下教育程度、年齡較輕者、父權主義政治參與思維、家庭決策思維和性別差異思維,容易受到整體親密關係暴力迷思影響。 四、父權主義與親密關係暴力迷思之模型 父權主義與親密關係暴力迷思的整體模型配適度良好,兩者呈現正向相關,表示愈具有父權主義思維者,對於親密關係暴力迷思的程度就愈高。 根據本研究發現,提出三面向之建議:首先在個人面中婦女必須自我知覺生活在父權主義思維的社會;鼓勵婦女參與家庭決策;消除對於職業性別的偏見;提升婦女政治參與的意願以及重新分配家庭資源,避免有重男輕女的現象。第二在政策面則是要當地的文化脈絡為基礎的親密關係暴力防治宣導活動;落實社區的親密關係暴力防治宣導以及鼓勵並提升男性參與暴力防治宣導的意願,以及最後對未來研究之建議,研究者可以質性訪談的方式進行研究;親密關係暴力男性被害人為研究對象;增加新移民婦女樣本瞭解其對於父權主義與暴力迷思的看法以及以有無工作收入取代婦女的職業類別。


The present study takes a paternalism viewpoint to investigate confusion about intimate violence in women aged 20 above of Pingtung County and thus understand women’s cognition of intimate violence confusion. It assumes that women’s personal information and paternalism thoughts exert influences on intimate violence confusion. Questionnaire survey is conducted by stratified and quota sampling. A total of 384 subjects are sampled. Statistical analyses were done by t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, multiple stepwise regression and structural equation modeling. Important results are described as below: 1. The following is women’s main confusion about intimate violence. In terms of victim confusion, it is felt that women are hit because they provoke perpetrators with words. With regard to perpetrator confusion, it’s considered reasonable that women are hit because of illegal love affair. Finally, from perspective of family confusion, it is believed that violence results from poor communication between husband and wife. 2. Relationship between personal basic information and intimate violence confusion (1) Persons with victim confusion are mostly characterized by residence place of the fourth zone classification, educational background of elementary school or below, Rukai aborigines, married couple in cohabitation, and more than 4 children to bring up. (2) Most persons with perpetrator confusion are those who are older than 60, have an education level of middle school (secondary vocational school), elementary school or below, are married and in cohabitation or widowed, and have more than 3 or 4 children. (3) Persons with family confusion are mostly those who have educational background of middle school (secondary vocational school), elementary school or below or need to seek non-formal social support. 3. Predictive variables of intimate violence confusion (1) Rukai aborigines, the elderly, and people with thoughts of patriarchal decision making, political participation and gender difference are easily influenced by victim confusion. (2) People with educational level of elementary school or below or with thoughts of patriarchal political participation and family decision making are easily influenced by perpetrator confusion. (3) People with educational level of elementary school or below, young persons, and persons with thoughts of patriarchal political participation, family decision making and gender difference are easily influenced by family confusion. (4) People with educational level of elementary school or below, young persons, and persons with thoughts of patriarchal political participation, family decision making and gender difference are easily influenced by overall intimate violence confusion. 4. Model of paternalism and intimate violence confusion Overall model of paternalism and intimate violence confusion has good fitness. There is a positive correlation between the two, indicating that stronger paternalism thought leads to higher degree of intimate violence confusion. Based on above findings, this study proposes three suggestions. Firstly, with respect to personal characteristics, women must actively perceive that they live in a society of paternalism; it’s necessary to encourage women to participate in family decision making, eliminate prejudice against occupation-gender, enhance women’s desire for political participation, re-allocate family sources, and avoid phenomenon of preferring boys to girls. Secondly, in terms of policy, carry out local-culture-context-based activities for promoting prevention and control of intimate violence, implement intimate violence prevention and control promotion in communities, as well as encourage and increase men’s willingness to participate in violence prevention and control promotion. Finally, advices for future researches are put forward. For example, researchers can adopt qualitative interview, choose male victims of intimate violence as the objects, add new female migrant samples to know their opinions of paternalism and violence confusion, and replace women’s occupation type with work and revenue.




黃崇山(2016)。社會運動對於臺港陸生政治認同的影響: 以三一八學運和佔中運動為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600262
