  • 學位論文


A Study on Landscape Improvement in the Deterioration Area of Rural Communities

指導教授 : 羅清吉


行政院農業委員會水土保持局為改善農村社區髒亂、破敗之窳陋空間,以提升農村社區之生活環境品質及整體景觀,自民國101年起開始補助已參與農村再生培根計畫之社區,由農村社區主動提報適當窳陋地點,結合當地素材、特色及人才,採僱工購料方式自力營造具有鄉土性及獨特性的優質農村社區。 本研究目的主要是探討如何透過環境美化之各種手法來改善農村社區逐年破敗、頹圮之環境景觀。目前農村社區窳陋空間改善計畫已推動兩年,全國累積達百件以上的改善成果案例;此改善成果在部分農村社區更逐漸起了漣漪效應,由起初單點的環境改善逐漸擴展成線、面的整體環境景觀改善。為探討運用於農村環境美化的各種手法,本研究透過文獻回顧、田野調查及質性研究方式歸納及比較數種類型環境美化手法之差異。 透過本研究發現目前運用於農村窳陋空間改善之環境美化手法,不單只是進行普遍性的景觀植栽及鋪面設計,更進而透過各式各樣的景觀設計手法賦予基地的故事性及趣味性;諸如將傳統合院建築、農村特色產業、歷史故事、農村生活記憶及農村傳統文物等元素融入在環境設計之中,這些手法不但賦予每個基地的獨特性與故事性,更進而激發農村社區居民天馬行空的創意。 再者,藉由歸納分析全國農村窳陋空間環境美化手法之成果,進而據以提出針對未來農村社區核心聚落景觀改善方式之建議,做為台灣農村核心聚落整體風貌規劃設計之參考。


In order to improve and upgrade the deteriorated area of rural communities, to promote living environment quality and landscape, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan has subsidized communities participated in Manpower Training Plan of Rural Rejuvenation. These rural communities are encouraged to select appropriate deteriorated area, to integrate local materials, features and talents, and to construct unique and integrated rural communities in the way of labor hiring and material purchasing. The aim of this research is to study how to improve the unsightly areas of these rural communities with various approaches of environment beautification. The upgrade plan of deterioration area in rural communities has been implemented for two years; over hundreds of cases are occurred. Ripple effect is caused in some rural communities where the environmental amelioration extends from single spots to entire settings. Literature review, field study and qualitative research are employed to investigate, to compare and to conclude various environmental beautification approaches in this research. The finding shows that the beautification approaches include landscape planting designs, pavement design, and some other approaches which introduce stories and interesting features of sites. For example, some designers integrate traditional buildings, village specialties, historical stories, living memories, and cultural heritages into their designs. These beautification approaches give each site its uniqueness, and inspire residents' creativity as well. After reviewing those beautification approaches in the deterioration area of rural communities in Taiwan, several suggestions are also provided for landscape improvement in nucleated settlements. The authors expect to provide valuable reference for landscape planning and design in the nucleated settlements of rural communities in Taiwan.


1.Steiner, Frederick. (1999). The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
