  • 學位論文


Research on the roles of Social Worker in the Career Transition for Adults with Disabilities —Case Study of Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 王仕圖


學號:M10161010 論文名稱:社會工作者在成人身心障礙生涯轉銜服務中之角色探討~以高雄市為例 總頁數:126 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學系 系別:社會工作系(所) 畢業時間及摘要別:一0四學年度第一學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:杜宜家 指導教授:王仕圖博士 論文摘要: 身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員在社會工作領域中人數相對較少,身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務過程中,法令規範未明確,社工人員對於自己的職責、角色、和地位未定位,相關專業人員對社工人員的專業角色與功能有不同期待及認知落差,容易導致彼此專業間的隔閡與對立,嚴重地可能在提供服務之際,造成身心障礙者的權益危害或受損,因此實務上明確的職責、角色、和地位對社工人員而言是相當重要的,但目前對於身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員的專業角色與功能問題研究較少,因此本研究期望藉由具有實務經驗的社工人員對於身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員角色闡述,輔以醫務社工及職重管理員對該角色的觀點來探討其中的異同,另一方面則了解身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員在實務上所面臨的問題,並藉此提供建議。 本研究以質性研究方法進行,共訪問6位身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員、1位醫務社工及1位職重管理員,研究發現如下: 一、社工人員本質除資深的年資及豐富的經驗,家庭關係緊密與人際關係佳,且擁有關懷人群、樂觀進取、包容差異、自我肯定、理想而務實等特質。 二、身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員的角色,其角色主要以「協調者」、「溝通者」、「資訊收集及提供者」、「會議召開/參與者」、「教育者」、「倡導者」、「追蹤者」、「個案管理者」、「處遇計畫訂定/執行者」、「評估者」、「諮詢者」等11項多元專業角色,其中最重要的莫過於「協調者」、「溝通者」、「資訊收集及提供者」等3項多元專業角色。 三、身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務的社工人員的落差及衝突,召開或參與轉銜會議意見不同,對提供資訊的內容有程度上的落差,各單位之配合度均屬良好,但仍需溝通及協調。 四、身心障礙者生涯轉銜服務未來政策覺察,兼職的業務轉銜社工,高度的期待服務及轉銜的服務的廣度及深度應如何拿捏、服務的時間長短、權責分工、多重又分歧的制度、行政的單一窗口以及轉銜成效計算模糊,均對政策覺察的發現。 依據研究發現,研究者嘗試提出建議,對社工人員部分,期待社工人員不忘初衷及時時省思並積極參加在職訓練或進修;對跨專業合作部分,社工人員繼續維持與網絡間良好互動關係,積極建立跨專業、跨領域的團隊及資訊平台;對政策規劃部分,建議中央訂定明確的職責及工作內容,積極規劃完整轉銜服務訓練課程及考核機制並整合全面性身心障礙者的服務,俾利維護身心障礙者之權益並提供適性服務。


Student ID:M10161010 Title of Thesis: Research on the roles of Social Worker in the Career Transition for Adults with Disabilities —Case Study of Kaohsiung City Total Pages:126 Name of the School: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology     Department/Graduate Institute: Department of Social Work Date of Graduation: January,2016 Advisee: I-chia Tu Advisor: Shu-twu Wang Abstract: The numbers of social workers in career transition service of people with disables is relatively less than others in social work field. Related laws and regulations are not so clear, nor the position of social workers on their own duties and roles when providing career transition service for disabled people. Also the other professions may have different expectation and cognition toward social workers. The gap between each others may cause seriously damage or thereat on the disabled client. Therefore, it is very important to social workers to have a clear duties, roles and positions on the practice area. However, there’re seldom research on the professional role and features of the career transition service social workers. This research try to compare the differences between the aspect of social workers with practical experience, medical social workers and vocational rehabilitation case managers toward career transition service social worker and provide suggestion on policy development. A qualitative study was conducted in an interview of six social workers served in career transition service of disabled people, one medical social worker and one vocational rehabilitation case manager. Then some study findings were conducted as follows, 1. The nature of social workers include senior seniority, abundant experience, close family and interpersonal relationships, willing to concern the crowd, optimistic and enterprising, inclusive, self-affirmative and ideal but realistic. 2. The role of social workers served in career transition of disabled people contain 11 professional role models. That are coordinator, communicators, information collectors and providers, conveners and participants of meetings, educators, advocates, trackers, and consulters. Coordinators, communicators and information collectors and providers are three of the most important roles. 3. The gaps and conflicts between social workers and other professions happen on the different opinions within the career transition meetings and gaps on information providing. The coordination among professions are fine, but still need more communicate and coordinate. 4. On the policy development of career transition of disabled people, how do a social workers control their intervention when facing highly expectation and plural jobs. The process of providing service, the division of work, the complex systems, the information center of administration and the evaluation index are the sticking points of policy development. According to the research, the researcher try to give some suggestions in three aspects. Social workers should not forget the original intention, always reviewing themselves and attend professional training. Social workers should keep good relationship among net-working, try to conduct platform that cross profession and working field. In order to provide proper service and defend rights of disabled people, it is suggested to have clear duties and work content, complete training programs and evaluation system for social workers, and to integrate the services toward disabled people.


林宏熾(2006)。美國身心障礙學生成人社區獨立生活轉銜服務之發展與省思。 中華民國特殊教育學會年刊,2006,13-26。
