  • 學位論文


Study of people's performance on Wastes reduction and Resources recycling behavior in Chunri Township.

指導教授 : 李嘉塗


春日鄉政府機關執行環保署政策推動加強「垃圾全分類、零廢棄」工作計畫上,依據2015年行政院環境保護署統計資料,春日鄉95年至104年一般廢棄物處理情形及資源回收成果統計表顯示(附錄),資源回收量逐年增加,平均每人每日資源回收量由95年0.11公斤增至0.42公斤;然,就每人每日垃圾清運量由95年0.67公斤增至0.94公斤呈現負成長,顯然有探究民眾生活活動環保行為的可能,在垃圾減量資源回收工作推動上仍有努力空間。 本研究目的,在於從春日鄉推動垃圾減量資源回收政策,來探討民眾在垃圾減量資源回收行為(含知識與態度)上的表現,經由個人屬性變項,希藉此蒐集民眾對環保行為(含知識、態度)屬性背景變項等相關資訊,瞭解其關係,以春日鄉地區民眾為研究對象,採分層抽様法取得様本,實施問卷調查,共得有效様本466份,有效回收率為90.9%。 研究發現,春日鄉民眾在垃圾減量資源回收行為(含知識、態度)上,有51.1%~97.3%的民眾已漸建立了正確的觀念及認知,並對於政府所推動之環保政策,表示認同配合及實際作為。研究另外發現:有2.8%~45.1%的民眾則未認同,可能是因環保教育宣導未顯著、政府強制處分未確實,民眾生活習慣未改變,嫌麻煩,資訊程度缺乏,配合態度意願低及實踐力不足等因素,以至環保行為表現不好。 研究結果得知,在推動環保政策執行上仍有努力進步的空間,為使民眾在環境衛生認知自覺,公德心習慣培養,減少污染環境,希冀透由政府強制規定作為,加強宣導帶頭示範,讓民眾有感共同參與環境維護工作,並落實『垃圾減量資源回收』、『重環保愛環境』之推動,促使民眾之環保知識、態度、行為有高度認知、配合意願及積極作為,以期能資源永續循環利用,逐步達成「資源循環零廢廢棄」及「節能減碳」政策目標。


Chunri Township has been implementing a project so-called “Wastes well-classified and Zero wastes” by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). According to statistical data from EPA in 2015, the results of general wastes disposal and resources recycling in Chunri Township from year of 2006 to 2015, has shown (attachment) that amount of resources recycling has increased year by year and the average of resources recycling per person per day was from 0.11 kg in 2006 to 0.42 kg in 2015. However, the average of wastes transportation per person per day has negative growth from 0.67 kg in 2006 to 0.94 kg in 2015. Obviously, it has highly chances to explore the possible ways on people’s environmental behavior from their daily lives, and wastes reduction and resources recycling still need to be promoted. The main purpose of this study was promotion of wastes reduction and resources recycling schemes in Chunri Township; discussion of wastes reduction and resources recycling research (including knowledge and attitude) on how people react to these acts; knowing variable attributes that corresponded to information of people’s environmental behavior (including knowledge and attitude). Therefore, collect effective 466 samples and 90.9% effective rate by using Stratified Sampling. From this study, people who live in Chunri community has percentage 51.1 to 97.3 on wastes reduction and resources recycling behavior (including knowledge and attitude) which means that whom have built clear concept and awareness of environmental policies, and are willing to do so. Other, it still has percentage 2.8 to 45.1 of people whom don’t comply with these policies, the reasons could be that environmental education wasn’t promoted consequently, administrative penalty wasn’t strictly, people’s lifestyle weren’t changeable, people were feeling annoyed by policies, lack of information, or with lower interests and participations etc., and these factors affect people’s environmental behavior. From the result of this study, it seems like that still needs to put more efforts into promotions of environmental policies, the awareness of healthy environment, moral and ethical education, and reduction of environmental pollution. Hope local government reinforce mandatory regulations and people are willing to participate in environment maintenance work. To achieve “Wastes reduction and resources recycling”, “Environmentally-friendly”, encourage people attempt to participate on environmental knowledge, attitude and behavior. Finally, to reach the goals of “Zero waste and resource recycling promotion” and “Energy conservation and carbon reduction” are the major tasks for the future.


31.蕭芸殷、歐聖榮,民87,「生態旅遊遊客特質之研究」,戶外遊憩研究11(3): 35-58。
