  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Hakka Clan on Local Development-A Case Study of The Chung Family of Jiang Nan in Hou-dui Neipu

指導教授 : 李梁淑


摘要 學號:M9975001 論文名稱:客家宗族對地方發展的影響―以後堆內埔的江南戶鍾氏為例 總頁數:106頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:客家文化產業研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:102學年度第一學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:曾美芳 指導教受:李梁淑 博士 論文摘要: 近幾年「客家」不斷地浮出檯面,激起客家人的族群意識抬頭。研究者生於斯長於斯,一直以來都沒離開過內埔,對某些在地的家族頗感興趣,覺得其在地方上所做的決策與處置,不管是文化教育上,或是產業經濟上,對當地都影響至深。一方面在昔時歷任的鄉長中,鍾姓佔的比例頗高;另一方面要解說內埔人文地理時,從昌黎祠、媽祖廟一直到鍾家祖祠,都是很重要的地標景物。雖說有許多姓氏,對地方產生不小的影響,限於篇幅、人力,本研究主要以後堆內埔江南戶的鍾姓為主,探討客家族群對內埔地方社會、文化、經濟產業,有怎樣的影響與貢獻。 本研究採取參與觀察法、文獻分析法以及訪談法來進行研究,旨在透過一些宗族的演變,及其子孫、姻親的連結,訪談相關的耆老,從中探訪鍾氏家族來台拓墾、發跡的過程,以及客家族群如何開基立業、發展家族的基業,進而壯大宗族的命脈?他們的決策理念是否影響地方文化或產業推動?以及商業的經營與地方事務的參與,對地方又有何貢獻?這些都是本論文所要探討的重點。希望藉由本研究,聯結新生代與老生代的人,使他們能在慢慢行將消逝的世紀裡,透過曾經參與體驗心情的轉述,娓娓道來,細數歷史的軌跡,把那一段模糊的過去,家族對地方發展的貢獻逐一明朗化,以提供未來發展客家文化、地方產業經濟,更多歷史的借鏡。 關鍵字:後堆、客家、宗族、鍾氏祖祠、江南戶


後堆 客家 宗族 鍾氏祖祠 江南戶


Abstract Student ID: M9975001 Title of Thesis: The Impacts of Hakka Clan on Local Development- A Case Study of The Chung Family of Jiang Nan in Hou-dui Neipu. Total Pages: 107 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry Date of Graduation: January, 2014 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Tseng, Mei-Fang. Advisor: Lee, Liang-Shwu Abstract In recent years, the importance of the ethnic "Hakka" has loomed large in people's mind because of the rise of ethnic awareness in Taiwan. I was born and raised in a Hakka village, Neipu, in Pingtung county. I have had a keen interest in local culture and history. Many families have made significant contributions to the cultural, educational and economic development in their communities. I choose the Chung family for this research for two reasons. First, among the previous township mayors, the "Chung" has occupied a high percentage. Second, the Chung clan has had a long association with some of the most important historical landmarks of Neipu, such as Changli Temple, Mazu Temple, and the Chung family temple. There are other families who have made impacts to Neipu. But due to research constraints, this research is limited to the Chung family of Jian-Nan clan of Houdui Neipu. This research explores the impacts and contributions of the ethnic Hakka to the social, cultural and economic development in Neipu village. The research uses the methods of observation, literature analysis and interviews with village elders, the Chung's descendants and relatives, the writer attempts to investigate the Chung's early settlement in the area, the growth and expansion of the family, and their involvement and participation in local business and public affairs. Specifically, this research addresses questions such as: How does the ethnic Hakka establish their foundation for family and business? How does the Hakka ideology affect local cultural and economic development? To what extent does their participation in business development and public affairs contribute to the growth and development of the local community? I hope that it could connect the young and old generations via this study. Thus they may gain a better understanding of the ethnic Hakka's trail-blazing footsteps through participate in the study. Perhaps it is possible to clarify some fuzzy issues. As we strive to develop the culture, business and economy in our communities, we must understand that the entire society benefits from an increased awareness and appreciation of the Liudui Hakka history and culture. Keywords: Houdui, Liudui, Hakka, clan, Chung family temple, Jiang-Nan clan


Houdui Hakka clan Chung family temple Jiang-Nan clan


鍾幹郎治喪委員會(1969)。鍾幹郎紀念集 。屏東:兄弟印書局。
