  • 學位論文


A Study on the Temporal - Spatial Distribution of Turbidity and Chlorophyll in an Artificial Ecological Pond

指導教授 : 唐琦


本研究自2013年1月29日至2014年6月10日擇定國立屏東科技大學水土保持綜合試驗場內靜思湖上側之人工生態池,於蓄水後之池內水體進行濁度、葉綠素濃度及水溫等水質測定,共進行15次測定,經比較分析期能提供相關水土保持處理維護之參考。結果得知:人工生態池內葉綠素濃度有入流口區域少於出流口區域,顯示人工生態池於蓄水後有增加葉綠素濃度之趨勢,而出流口區域之濁度有低於入流口區域濁度約3.5-65.2 FTU,顯示人工生態池有降低水體濁度能力。當滯洪水體之流速減緩, 池內水體多處於優養狀態,然隨著降雨事件增加能改善水體水質為普養~優養狀態,當陣雨後,地表逕流及降雨量進入池區時,因略為增加池區水流速度,將有利水體內懸浮物質排除,使得濁度為12.3-32.8 FTU,平均值為19.2 FTU,葉綠素濃度1.9-21 ug/l,平均值為9.9 ug/l。


葉綠素 濁度 水溫 人工生態池


This study was focus on the measurements of, turbidity, chlorophyll concentration and water temperature in the artificial ecological pond. The experimental site was an upper flood detention and located in front of Jing-Se Lake, the comprehensive district of soil and water conservation of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. There were fifteen measurements had performed from January 29, 2013 to June 10, 2014. All these results could provide references for the soil and water conservation of practice and maintenance. The results had shown that chlorophyll concentration of inlet area was less than outlet area in pond. It means that chlorophyll concentration varied with reserving water in an increasing tendency. The turbidity difference between outlet and inlet was less than 3.5-65.2 FTU, that possessed decreasing ability for turbidity of detention water. The reserving water with a slowly flow situation would result aquatic quality appear a eutrophic situation, and the more rainfall events could improve reserving water quality into mesotrophic-eutrophic situation. After a hard shower could result the ground surface runoff and rainfall directly flow into the detention pond, then the flow velocity would decrease, and then suspending materials of reserving water could easily drain out. The turbidity range was between 12.3 to 32.8 FTU and mean value was 19.2 FTU. The chlorophyll range was about 1.9 to 21 μg/l and mean value was 9.9 μg/l.


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