  • 學位論文


The Affection of Activities of Art Potential Development to Junior High Students for self -exploration and emotion

指導教授 : 連德仁
共同指導教授 : 侯禎塘(Jen-tang Hou)


藝術與人類生活息息相關, 佔很重要的一部分。本研究旨在藉由日 本生長之家生命教育的理念、精神內涵, 結合日本七田真右腦潛能開發 之七田式教學法, 並以右腦圖像思考設計, 融入藝術教育的藝術潛能開 發, 以音樂靜心冥想、閉眼作畫, 開發潛能、心像練習、塗鴉完成創作 繪畫、書寫, 再結合藝術治療理念技術, 讓團體成員藉由圖畫作品與自 我的生命連結, 進行對話、真誠的面對、自我坦露與分享當下生活的真 實感受, 探討藝術潛能開發對國中生自我探索與情意之影響效果。 本研究對象為中部地區某國中社團二年級的兩名學生, 接受自我探 索和情意學習的藝術潛能開發活動,每週實施一次,每次90 分鐘,共計 實施12 次,並於同一個學期內完成。本研究採用質性資料分析,透過觀 察、回饋、省思日誌及訪談等資料蒐集與分析, 同時, 使用多元智能量 表(乙式)做前、後測比較分析及期末活動回饋單自評量表, 瞭解學生的 自我探索與情意影響效果。 研究結果發現: 藝術潛能開發活動提供學生自發性與多元性的創意 表達途徑, 明顯提升學生在多元智能(智慧)、抒發情緒的管道, 及進行 自我探索、覺察、體驗分享和省思的機會, 增進學生對人我的瞭解, 建 立自信, 了解生涯和促進同儕人際互動關係。 依據研究結果與討論, 本研究提出若干在國中學生自我探索與情意 之影響的建議, 及進一步研究的建議。


The Affection of Activities of Art Potential Development to Junior High Students for self -exploration and emotion Student: Yu– shuan Hsu Advisor s: Te– Jen Lien Depar tment of Commercial Design Nat ional Taichung Univer si ty of Science and Technology ABSTRACT Art is one of significant human act ivit ies in our lives , and it plays an important role. Through the concept of l ife educat ion from the Seichou-No-Ie in Japan, the research is combined wi th the right brain potent ial development of the Shichida Method, also with right brain image thinking design in the art potent ial development from the art educat ion. With music medi tation, eyes-closed painting, potent ial developing, Mental Pract ice, creative paint ing and writ ing, and arts therapy techniques in courses, painting works help group members to connect their lives, talk to themselves, face themselves honest ly, self -disclose, and share their feelings. The research discusses the effect of art potential development to junior high students for self- exploration. The researcher has tested 2 junior high students from the school in mid-Taiwan. To do the program of self - exploration and art potent ial development , the test has total ly been done for 12 times in one semester; one test per week and each for 90 minutes. The research is done by qual itative data analysis . Through the data from observat ion, feedback, reflect ion diary, interview, CMIDAS-B, and quest ionnaire, the researcher could understand th e eff ect o f st u d ent s’ s el f - exploration. The art potential development provides a way of spontaneous and divers creat ive expression. The activity obviously promotes students’ self-efficacy, and it helps them aware and share themselves and finally having self - explorat ion. Enhancing the awareness of oneself and promot ing interpersonal relat ionship of students are the expectation accomplishment and contribut ion of the research. Based on research resul ts and discussion, this study proposes several iii suggestions for junior high st u d en t s ’ self-explorat ion through artist ic potent ial development , and recommendat ions for further research.


財團法人精神健康基金會, 2005,《一股腦兒全知道》, 台北: 財團
財團法人精神健康基金會,2007,《腦的美麗境界Wonder ful Brain 》,
台北: 財團法人精神健康基金會。
實相第7 卷生活篇》, 台北: 社團法人中華民國生長之家
侯禎塘, 2010, < 創意藝術表達活動於國小美術班學生創造力與情
