  • 學位論文


Study on Color Images in Showcase Lighting Design for Department stores.

指導教授 : 黃雅卿
共同指導教授 : 李新富


本研究以百貨櫥窗照明為主題,探討消費者對於櫥窗照明的偏好及燈光色彩的反應,研究結果可以提供設計師在櫥窗設計上之參考。研究方式採五階段進行,第一階段的「分析LIGHTSCAPE電腦模擬之潛在機會」、第二階段為「分析櫥窗形式之條件與其樣式」、第三階段為「建構櫥窗形式之視覺樣本」、第四階段為「櫥窗照明設計視覺喜愛度實驗與分析」以及第五階段為「櫥窗照明設計複合光實驗與分析」,茲將結果摘述如下: 第一階段的「分析LIGHTSCAPE電腦模擬之潛在機會」,整理各界研究學者對於LIGHTSCAPE的應用分析結果,提出以LIGHTSCAPE作為空間照明或是戶外採光之預測工具之可行性。 第二階段為「分析櫥窗形式之條件與其樣式」,實地至百貨公司進行櫥窗攝影並紀錄燈光配置方式,並以四區域作為燈光配置區。 第三階段為「建構櫥窗形式之視覺樣本」,經由田野調查分析櫥窗所需實驗要素為燈具產品型式、燈光配置方式、色光色彩、人型模特兒等。 第四階段為「櫥窗照明設計視覺喜愛度實驗與分析」,根據實驗分析結果受測者認為較佳的櫥窗照明型式為 TYPE_J (下投式、背投式、側投式、上投式燈光)、而最差為TYPE_C (背投式、側投式燈光)。 第五階段為「櫥窗照明設計複合光實驗與分析」,TYPE 3、TYPE 4 、TYPE 7、TYPE 10、TYPE 12櫥窗,給受測者感覺為華麗、前衛、時髦、品味、高貴、流行的心理意象,其中 TYPE 7 為最多受測者喜愛的櫥窗,而較差櫥窗為TYPE 9、TYPE 11給受測者感覺為樸素、不前衛、老氣、無品味、廉價、退流行等心理意象。 研究發現,最佳櫥窗照明的櫥窗都具備有三種以上的燈光型式,將可讓櫥窗空間內的照明呈現較為均勻效果,上投式及下投式燈光在櫥窗照明設計中屬於必需納入規劃之條件。 受測者認為較佳複合光櫥窗偏好色彩都是較為鮮艷色彩,受測者在填寫問卷時給予較多正面的評價,經由因素分析發現TYPE 7櫥窗,受測者喜歡的程度優於TYPE 3、TYPE 4 、TYPE 10、TYPE 12區域內的櫥窗;在TYPE 7色系中表示「活力的 Dynamic」具有精力旺盛的、痛快的、個性的、強烈的、強勁的..等色彩形容記語彙,能讓消費者產生較深刻的印象。另外設計者在櫥窗色彩運用上應儘量避免以TYPE 9、TYPE 11 的櫥窗等色彩(灰色、橄欖綠、土色系)作為配色,經由因素分析發現TYPE 9、TYPE 11櫥窗,所表代色彩意象為樸素、不前衛、老氣、無品味、廉價、退流行等形容詞,反應消費者較不喜歡的配色。


This study aimed at the showcase lighting and discusses customers' preference to the showcase lighting and their reaction to lighting color. The results can serve as a reference for designers in showcase design. This study has five steps: 1) , analyze potential of LIGHTSCAPE software for computer simulation; 2) analyze conditions and pattern of showcase; 3)construct visual samples of showcase; 4) test and analyze visual preference of showcase lighting design; 5) test and analyze compound light of showcase lighting design The results are as follows: The first step is to “analyze potential of LIGHTSCAPE software for computer simulation” and summarize analysis results by scholars from application of LIGHTSCAPE. The results show feasibility of LIGHTSCAPE used as prediction tool of space lighting or outdoor lighting. The second step is to analyze “conditions and patterns of showcases” and to visit the department stores and take pictures of showcases and record the light configuration method. Four regions are used as light configuration area. The third step is to construct visual samples of showcases”; through field investigation, the experimental elements required for analysis of showcases include light fitting type, light configuration method, color light and color, and models. The fourth step is to “test and analyze visual preference of showcase lighting design”. Based on the test analysis results, the participants considered the optimal showcase lighting type was TYPE_J (downward, rear, side, and upward projection), and the worst type was TYPE_C (rear and side projection). The fifth step is “experiment and analysis of compound light of showcase lighting design”. TYPE 3, TYPE 4, TYPE 7, TYPE 10, TYPE 12 gave participants the luxurious, avant-garde, popular, elegant, royal and fashionable images. The most popular one was TYPE 7, and the worse are TYPE 9 and TYPE 11 which gave the participants the plain, old-fashioned, tasteless, low-cost and outdated images. The optimal showcase lighting has more than three light types and can make the showcases have uniform lighting effect. Upward and downward projection lights are the requisite planning conditions in design of showcase lighting. The participants suggested that the preference color for better compound-light showcases is bright color, and the participants gave positive opinions when filling out the questionnaires. In terms of factor analysis, TYPE 7 is more popular than TYPE 3, TYPE 4, TYPE 10 and TYPE 12. In color system of TYPE 7, Dynamic represents the vigorous, joyful, personalized, strong, and powerful images. And these can leave deeper impression on consumers. In addition, designers should avoid the showcase colors (grey, olive green and soil tone) of TYPE 9 and TYPE 11 from color combination in application of showcase colors. According to the factor analysis, TYPE 9 and TYPE 11 colors represent the plain, old-fashioned, tasteless, low-cost and outdated images, thus, are not preferred by consumers.


14、金惠卿,2001,商店設計表現方式之空間印象研究-以Esprit, Levi's 服飾旗鑑店為例,中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文。
