  • 學位論文


The role of medical personnel expense of institutional recognition, emotional labor and work performance related research

指導教授 : 羅英瑛


背景與目的:近年來,自費醫療機構有增加的趨勢,尤其產後護理機構及醫學美容 診所為新興產業,民眾是自費購買醫療服務,加上消費者意識抬頭,在服務要求上 相形增加不少,因此本研究以探討自費醫療機構工作人員之角色認同、情緒勞務、 工作倦怠及工作表現之間的關聯性為目的。 工具與方法:本研究以Brotheridge& Lee、 Grandey 、Borman & Motowidloe等學 者所提出之理論為基礎研究,提出包括角色認同、情緒勞務、工作倦怠、工作表現 等構面,以橫斷性研究設計,透過立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,針對南部區域 自費醫療機構之醫師、護理師、營養師、廚師、助理、管家、美容師及警衛等等工 作人員進行問卷調查。 結果與結論:本研究共發放250份問卷,回收有效問卷為209份(89.6%),無效問卷 24份(11.4%)。回收率達93%。以PASW18.0進行資料統計分析。資料分析結果顯 示角色認同與情緒勞務有關,情緒勞務會影響工作表現及工作倦怠,但是角色認同 與工作表現及工作倦怠沒有關連性,且情緒勞務對於角色認同與工作表現和工作 倦怠間的關係並無中介效果。


Background and Objective: There is an increasing trend of the establishment of the medical institutions with charged medical services recently, especially in the post-natal care centers and medical beauty clinics. Consumers purchase the medical service's items with their own expense, in addition to the rise of the consumer awareness, the demands for better medical services are much higher than before. Accordingly, this study is to explore the connection among the role identity, relevant emotional labor, job burnout and the working performance of the staff members in the medical institutions with charged services. Tools and Methods: This study is based on the theories proposed by Brotheridge & Lee, Grandey,and Borman & Motowidlo.The dimensions of this study include role identity, emotional labor, job burnout, and job performance. With cross-sectional study design, questionnaire survey was done through purposive sampling method, aimed at the physicians, therapists, nutritionists, cooks, assistants, housekeepers, hairdressers and security workers, etc… at medical institutions with charged medical service in southern region. Results and Conclusion: In this study, 250 questionnaires were distributed, ending up with 209 valid questionnaires parts (89.6%). Recovery rate is up to 93%. SPSS18.0 was used to conduct statistical analysis. The outcome of the data analysis showed role identity is related to emotional labor, and emotional labor can affect job performance and job burnout, but the role identity is not related tojob performance and job burnout.The role of emotional labor has no mediation effect for recognition, job performance and job burnout. Keywords: role identity, emotional labor, job burnout, job performance


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