  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Leader's Traits, Leadership Effectiveness and Organizational Identification of Student Affairs Officers in High schools

指導教授 : 蘇錦俊


本研究主要探討高雄市公、私立學校中,學務主任的領導特質、領導效能與學務處人員組織認同之間的關係。學生事務處在校園內的重要性於辦理全校師生的非正式課程活動 ,也就是代表學務主任的管理職能、對於部屬的領導效能與組織成員之間的關係甚為重要,另外也發現國內學術上對於學務主任的相關領導研究之不足。基於研究背景下參考凌文輇、方俐洛、張立野、劉大維等提出的「CPM領導行為模式」理論,對應學務主任在聘用上應考量「品格」與「才能」的人格特質,同時對應在學務處人員組織認同上的影響,假設不同背景下學務主任在領導特質差異?領導特質對領導效能的影響程度?學務主任的領導效能與學務處人員在組織認同的關聯程度?是本研究的重要探討問題。 研究的過程從18所公、私立高中職校學生事務處的問卷為分析樣本,共發出177份問卷,回收116份,回收率達66%。研究方法採用因素分析、相關分析、差異性分析與路徑分析,並針對研究假設予以驗證。 根據驗證結果發現: 一、學務主任的領導特質對於領導效能有顯著正向影響。 二、學務主任的領導特質對於學務人員的組織認同有顯著正向影響。 三、學務人員的組織認同對於學務主任的領導效能有顯著正向影響。 四、學務人員的組織認同在學務主任的領導特質與領導效能上有中介性質影響。 就研究建議而言,對照「領導行為模式」理論下,顯見CPM理論也適合應用在校園內驗證學務主任的領導特質與領導成效,對於學校組織管理上有些許貢獻。另外也建議學務主任應有勇於接受改變、分享願景、鼓勵群體合作與強調創新等態度,建立組織多元價值,增進學務人員群策群力共同為學務工作永續經營。


This research focuses on the Relationship connected among the supervisor's Leader's Traits, Leadership Effectiveness and the Organizational Identification of the staff in Student Affairs Offices in high schools of Kaohsiung. The importance of Student Affairs Offices is to hold activities, out of regular courses, for teachers and students to take part in. That is to say, the management ability of the supervisors of Student Affairs Offices plays an important role on Leadership Effectiveness and the Relationship among the members in the organization. Moreover, it is discovered that there are few researches about the leadership of the supervisors of Student Affairs Offices. Therefore, we take it as a reference the CPM theory to assure that, when trying to find someone to be the supervisor of Student Affairs Office, the human characteristics "Character" and "Ability" are never too much to think it over. This, how the theory can be corresponded to the difference of Leader's Traits with different backgrounds? How do Leader's Traits influence Leadership Effectiveness? And what's the relative degree of Organizational Identification between the supervisors and the Staff in Student Affairs Offices? All these mentioned above are the focuses of this research. The 116 out of 177 study samples we collected in Student Affairs Offices in 18 high schools yield 66% respondent rate. It is found, through the result we got by factor analysis, relative analysis, difference analysis and path analysis, that: 1.Leader's Traits of the supervisors of Student Affairs Offices significantly influence Leadership Effectiveness positively. 2.Leader's Traits of the supervisors of Student Affairs Offices significantly influence Organizational Identification in a positive way. 3.Organizational Identifications of the staff in Student Affairs Offices have significantly positive influence on Leadership Effectiveness of the supervisors. 4.Organizational Identifications of the staff in Student Affairs Offices have intermediary. influence on the Leader's Traits and Leadership Effectiveness. Consequently, it goes without saying that the CPM theory can also be applied in campus to value Leader's Traits and Leadership Effectiveness, and additionally to make some contributions to organizational management in school. Another recommendation is made for the supervisors in school: in order to run the school sustainably, the supervisors are encouraged to accept the change, to share the vision, to encourage group cooperation, to emphasize the attitude of innovation, and to build multitude values for the organization.


