  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Welfare Policies of National Army on the Promotion of an All-Volunteer Military System-A Case Study on a Navy Fleet

指導教授 : 李樑堅 張志雄


中華民國國軍部隊長久以來士兵均是以徵兵制為主,常備役士官、軍官則是以募兵制為主,隨著高科技武器裝備日新月異,戰爭型態更不同以往,兵員的專業人力素質要求,越來越高,未來兵力勢必走向專業化與職能化,軍方也需要招募高素質、役期長的志願役人員。 本研究以海軍一二四艦隊為例,分別藉由與部隊主管及資深士官長、志願役士兵之訪談,進而了解其對全募兵制推動的想法及意見,進而設計本研究之問卷,並且探討國軍目前制訂之福利政策對於全募兵制推動之影響,分析志願役人員對於這些福利政策的認同度及意見,以作為國軍後續各項福利政策修訂之參酌基礎。 本研究以康定級艦人員為研究對象,共蒐集336份有效問卷,調查資料分別使用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、t檢定、變異數檢定等方法,進行實證研究。本研究具體研究成果如后: 1.「性別」對「服役意願」有顯著差異,檢定結果顯示女性服役較高於男性。 2.「婚姻狀況」對「退撫機制」有顯著差異,檢定結果顯示已婚者對退撫機制認同度會高於未婚者。 3.「教育程度」對「生活設施」有顯著差異,檢定結果顯示學歷越高,對於生活設施或智慧型手機使用之重視程度越高。 因此募兵制度推動誘因的設計,除了朝向助招募、促留營的方向思考,如何完整、全面規劃相關配套的福利政策,是更能符合官兵所需。


國軍 全募兵制 福利政策


The Republic of China Armed Forces mainly recruits soldiers through military conscription, but uses mercenary system for standing non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers. However, as high-tech weapons change quickly and war types have become different, the demand for soldiers with professional qualities has become higher. Therefore, the armed forces certainly will be professionalized and functionalized in the future. And the military also needs to recruit high-quality and long-serving volunteers. This research studies 124 Navy Fleet. It interviews the troop leader, senior sergeant majors and volunteer soldiers to learn about their opinions about the promotion of an all-volunteer military system, then designs a questionnaire, discusses the effects of the current of warfare policies of National Army on the promotion of an all-volunteer military system and analyzes the recognition and opinions of volunteer soldiers to these warfare policies to be used as a reference for future changes in these welfare policies. It studies personnel of Kang Ding Frigate and collects 336 valid questionnaires. And then it conducts descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, t-test and variance test to the survey data. The research results are listed as below: 1. “Gender” makes a significant difference to “service intention”; the results show more females are on service than males. 2. “Marital status” makes a significant difference to “retirement pension system”; the results show the retirement pension system receives higher recognition from married people than unmarried. 3. “Educational status” makes a significant difference to “living facilities”; the results show people with higher educational qualifications pay more attention to the use of living facilities and smartphones. Therefore, for the design of the promotion factors of an all-volunteer military system, besides thinking about how to help recruitment and promote long-term service, how to plan a complete and overall matched welfare policy better meets demand of both officers and soldiers for future military service system reform.




