  • 學位論文


An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Individual's Health Information Seeking Behavior via Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 郭光明


背景與目的:隨著資訊科技的發展迅速加上網路快速成長,網路已經成為電子資訊傳遞過程中重要媒介,透過網路快速傳遞訊息的特性,網路上所提供的醫療健康相關資訊也越來越多,搜尋健康資訊之民眾亦逐年增加,根據行政院研考會2013年調查顯示約有86.6%民眾利用網路進行一般資訊搜尋,50.8%民眾利用網路進行健康資訊搜尋,由於行動裝置的普及,國人智慧型手機持有率更高達69.5%,行動裝置將是未來傳遞健康資訊的重要管道,有必要瞭解民眾使用行動裝置搜尋健康資訊行為意圖之影響因素。 材料與方法:本研究以Rosenstock (1974)所提出的健康信念模式為理論基礎,以問卷調查法,採便利抽樣,針對高雄市三民區、台南市麻豆區、屏東縣內埔鄉之20歲以上之成年民眾進行問卷調查。 結果與結論:本研究共發放350份問卷,有效問卷302份,無效問卷48份。研究結果顯示自覺罹患性、自覺行動利益、自我效能、信任顯著影響民眾使用行動裝置搜尋健康資訊之行為意圖,顯現出民眾認為使用行動裝置搜尋健康資訊對於預防保健、疾病預防等是有幫助的,另外在政府方面應更加積極整合健康資訊,增加資訊正確性、安全性等,使民眾能簡單透過行動裝置快速取得所需之健康資訊。


Background and Purpose: With the rapid development of information technology coupled with the rapid growth of Internet, Internet has become an important medium for the exchange of electronic data. With the characteristics of rapid message transmission via Internet, the need of health information is expadning. Individuals who search for such information also increase year by year. According to survey done by Research, Development, and Evalutation Comission, Executive Yuan in 2013 showed that 86.6% of individuals used the Internet to search for general information, 50.8% of individuals used the Internet to locate health information. As mobile devices is gaining popularity, the rate of smartphones usage is 69.5%. Mobile devices will eventually become important channels to exchange health information. Consequently, it is required to understand the factors that influence individuals’ behavioral intentions to use mobile devices. Materials and Methods: This study uses Health Belief Model, proposed by Rosenstock (1974), as the theoretical underpinning. The study proceeded with survey methodology and questionnaires were utilized to collect data by convenience sampling. Subjects were adults, 20 year-old and living in the southern part of Taiwan (including Kaohsiung City, Tainan City, and Pingtung County). Results and Conclusions: This study totally collected 350 questionnaires. Excluding 48 incomplete questionnaires results in 302 valid questionnaires for subsequent analysis. Structual euqation modeling was used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and trust significantly influence individuals’ behavioral intentions to use mobile devices for searching health information. Individuals hold that the use of mobile devices to search for health information is beneficial for preventive health care. Further, the Government should be more proactive in integrating health information, improving information accuracy ad security. Individuals are thus can easily and quickly obtain required health information via mobile devices.


