  • 學位論文


Development of Back-End System for a Management Information System of Animal Hospital

指導教授 : 楊崇宏




Using management information systems (MISs) could effectively improve the efficiency of operating and managing an enterprise in information society. Nowadays many MISs designed for specific purposes are adopted by information staff in enterprises. These MISs include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Point Of Sale (POS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc. However, the MISs that are developed for some emerging enterprises are rare. In this study, the back-end system of an existing MIS for animal hospitals is analyzed to clarify the shortcomings of the system, so that a new back-end system could be developed to improve these shortcomings. The major improvements are (1) Simplification of operation processes: Many complicated operations, which consist of a series of manipulation steps, are redesigned to be simplified and efficient. (2) Integration of diverse functions as well as elimination of unnecessary functions: The functions of the new system are designed for medium/small animal hospitals by integrating diverse functions and eliminating unnecessary functions. (3) Improvements of user interface: The new user interface is designed to meet the requirement of pastel-colored user interface as well as to meet the requirement of screen resolution adjustment. Finally, the new system does not support the medicine-related functions since the development of these functions are more complicated and requires medicine knowledge. For the future study the medicine-related functions may be explored and developed, and the extension of the system to operate on tablet platforms is also considered so that the system usability can be improved accordingly.


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