  • 學位論文

三代同堂家庭幼兒母親與祖父母之教養聯盟經驗 -以三個互動和諧家庭為例

Mother’s Parenting Alliance Experiences with Grandparents in Stem-families ─Three Examples of Harmonious Families

指導教授 : 蔡嫦娟


本研究主要的目的在探究三代同堂幼兒母親與祖父母的代間教養聯盟經驗,以質性研究方法,透過半結構的深度訪談,瞭解家中育有學齡前(3-6歲)幼兒母親與祖父母對於教養幼兒的親職分工情形及教養方式的差異和協調情形,以及幼兒母親在三代同堂家庭模式中面對家庭壓力與親職效能感受的情形,進而探究三代同堂家幼兒母親與祖父母之間教養聯盟互動歷程以及和諧經驗。根據訪談過程中所蒐集到的資料,進行分析、整理和歸納,本研究所得到的結論分述如下: 一、本研究針對幼兒母親自認互動和諧的三代同堂家庭進行訪談,研究發現代間教養仍有差異存在,主要的差異是「保育照顧的習慣」及「生活常規的管教」。互動和諧家庭代間調整育兒方式主要包含:「彼此溝通互作調整」、「不拘小節保留發揮空間」、「善用第三人協調-專家、先生、幼兒」。 二、三代同堂家庭教養聯盟的模式為「尊重一方主導-相互支持」的情形,是以其中一方的教養理念為主軸,另一方支持配合,尊重對方的主導,使教養聯盟是正向的相互支持。 三、三代同堂家庭與幼兒母親教養聯盟的祖父母,如同幼兒母親的另一雙手,是幼兒母親的主要育兒伙伴,且祖父母對於幼兒母親的協助如同育兒的保護網。 四、幼兒母親面對多元角色的家庭壓力,能正向的轉化壓力為良性拉力,在親職效能感方面因祖父母協助教養工作,使親職效能感提升。 五、三代同堂教養聯盟的歷程,幼兒母親以感恩的心感謝祖父母的育兒協助,串連血脈搭起世代傳承的情感,三代同堂提供生活給幼兒多元的學習機會,讓三代共享天倫樂。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate mothers’ parenting alliance experience with grandparents in stem families. Under the framework of qualitative research, this study conducts semi-structured interview, in an attempt to realize how mothers who have preschool children aged 3~6 share parenting work with grandparents, the difference between their and grandparents’ parenting, how they coordinate with grandparents, their pressure from stem family, how they feel about parental efficacy, and further explore the interaction process as well as the harmonious experience between them (mothers who have preschool children aged 3~6) and grandparents in stem families. Data collected from interviews are analyzed, systemized and concluded as follows: 1. Though this study conducts interviews with mothers who think their stem family live harmoniously, it is found that there is still a difference between their and grandparents’ parenting. The main differences are “the habit of taking care of children” and “the education of daily routines.” The way for harmonious families to adjust their parenting chiefly includes: “mutual communication and adjustment,” “do not care about details but give each other appropriate space,” “make good use of the third person as their coordinator─experts, their husbands, their children.” 2. Mode of parenting alliance in stem families is “respect one side as leading role─mutual support,” which means that the family primarily adopts parenting ideas’ of one side, while the other side plays the supporting role and respects the other’s leading, so the parenting alliance can be backed up and work positively. 3. Grandparents in stem families and in mothers’ parenting alliance are just like mothers’ helping hand; they are the main parenting helper for children’s mothers, and their assistance in taking care of children is also like a protection net. 4. When playing multiple roles in stem families, children’s mothers convert their pressure to positive momentum. Thanks to grandparents’ assistance, mothers’ parental efficacy also increases. 5. The process of parenting alliance in stem families─children’s mothers are grateful for grandparents’ help in parenting, which establishes ties of blood and builds up the bridge for exchanging affection from one generation to another. Living in a stem family provides children with a diverse learning experience, and enables each family member to enjoy family love and fun.


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