  • 學位論文


Dietary Supplying of Public Kindergarten in Taichung City

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:目前台灣5歲幼兒進入幼兒園比例已達93%,幼兒園每日提供幼兒一正餐二點心,其份量約占整日需求的1/2~3/5左右,幼兒園供應的餐點對幼兒營養扮演著重要的角色。因此本研究旨在探討幼兒園餐點供應現況, 進一步分析公立幼兒園餐點熱量與營養素含量是否符合國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(DRIs)之標準。 研究方法:本研究針對台中市未經過縣市合併以前8個行政地區之42所公立幼兒園進行分層隨機抽樣,總共抽取台中市12所公立幼兒園。研究人員至公立幼兒園實際秤量幼兒早點、午餐及午點之餐點,並收集受測公立幼兒園當月菜單進行分析。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示,所有受測之公立幼兒園平均熱量為921大卡。鐵、維生素A、維生素C、維生素B-1及維生素B-2皆高於二分之一國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(DRIs),鈉的供應量超過建議攝取量的2倍,鈣的供應量低於營養素參考攝取量;六大類食物供應份數方面,低脂乳品類僅達建議攝取量之13%,豆魚肉蛋類及油脂與堅果種子類的供應量分別達建議攝取量3倍及1.4倍。公立幼兒園平均每週供應5次高油糖鹽食物、3次加工調理食品、2次甜點類食物及2次含糖飲料。 結論:公立幼兒園營養素供應方面,蛋白質、脂肪及鈉有供應過量的情形,鈣則普遍供應不足。建議幼兒園在餐點供應上應減少油炸類及豆魚肉蛋類食物的份數,增加奶類製品與天然健康食物的供應次數,以達到營養均衡之成效,以增進幼兒健康之發展。


營養 均衡飲食 公立幼兒園 幼兒


Background: In Taiwan Ninety-three percent (93%) of 5-year-olds attend kindergarten. One regular meal and two snacks are provided each day at most kindergartens, the portions of which account for around 1/2 to 3/5 of a child’s daily nutritional requirements. As such, kindergarten programs play a central role in children''s nutritional intake. This study aimed to investigate the nutrition status of the food supplied by Taiwanese public kindergartens. The calories and nutrients of kindergarteners’ meals were analyzed to assess whether they met dietary reference intake (DRI) standard. Methods: This study stratified random sampling at 12 out of the 42 public kindergartens in 8 districts within Taichung city before the merging of Taichung county and Taichung city. Researchers measured actual contents of kindergartener’s breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, in addition to review monthly menus provided by the kindergartens surveyed. Results: This study shows that public kindergartens provide an average of 921 kcal per day to the kindergarteners. At least half of the daily-recommended amounts of iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B-1 and B-2 were present. However, sodium levels were at least twice the daily-recommended amount, while calcium levels were insufficient. As for food groups denoted by the food pyramid, dairy reached only 13% of daily recommendations. Three times the daily amount of meat and beans and 1.4 times the daily amount of fats and oils were also present. The above results shows that Public kindergartens provide foods highly contained with fat, sugar and salt five times per week, processed foods three times per week, sweets two, and sugary drinks twice per week. Conclusion: Meals provided by public kindergartens contain too much protein, fat, and sodium, yet a deficient amount of calcium. It is recommended that public kindergartens reduce the amount of fried foods, meats, and beans served in their meals. Furthermore, dairy products and natural health foods should be increased to achieve a balanced diet.




