  • 學位論文


Viewing Exploration of the Globalization of Malaysia’s Chinese Local Culture TV Program – A Case Study of 80's Generation from Selangor & KL

指導教授 : 葛維鈞


馬來西亞的電視頻道眾多,電視台會購買國外電視節目來播放。在這全球化的影響下,本土文化節目不僅依然能持續生存於此,還有日益增多的現象,並獲得國人的喜愛。本研究於跳出一般框架,從全球化的角度探討本土化。 本研究針對十位來自馬來西亞雪隆區的80後閱聽人進行深入訪談,藉由他們的收視行為,以及對於本土文化電視節目相關議題的看法,瞭解本土文化電視節目在全球化脈絡下的動態發展,以及未來之建議。 本研究結果發現,全球化趨勢下,閱聽人收視本土文化電視節目主要為了獲取資訊,以及能夠增加人際溝通的共同話題;閱聽人皆認為本土文化應與「馬來西亞」有關,並認為羅雜語言呈現方式、地方性象徵、當地人民生活上的一切事物,是最體現本土文化的定義;目前的節目雖然具備本土文化之特質,但質感上則需再加強,因此在本土節目與國外節目併存之下,閱聽人會選擇收看國外節目;為了提升本土文化節目的素質,閱聽人普遍接受效仿國外節目,以及前往國外進行拍攝,但不能因此失去本土文化特質;在未來發展上,本土節目的內在與外在條件上須繼續加強,而閱聽人也因濃厚的愛國意識,會繼續支持與期待本土節目站上國際舞台。


In Malaysia there are numerous Television (TV) channels which local TV station used to purchase TV program abroad and broadcast on the TV channels. But, Malaysia’s Chinese local culture (MCLC) TV programs are able to continue developing and attract Malaysian audience without affected by globalization. Therefore, this case discussed about audience of 80’s generation from Malaysia, Selangor & Kuala Lumpur (KL) on viewing exploration on the globalization of MCLC TV program. 10 interviewees who are 80’s generation from Selangor & KL had been done by done depth-interviews on the topic of viewing behavior of MCLC TV program, how globalization affected MCLC TV program developing, perception on contents delivered by MCLC TV program and suggestions for MCLC TV program to move forward. The result shown Malaysian audience viewing MCLC TV programs because the contents are informative and it became common topic during their leisure time. Besides, MCLC TV program is presented using the Malaysian mixed “Rojak” languages and local lifestyle which embodies the real Malaysia’s culture. But compared to foreign TV program, result shown audience tend to view foreign TV program due to the quality of production. Suggestions given by interviewee shown MCLC TV program should improve the quality of production, content of the program which referred to foreign TV program’s content is acceptable by the audience but it should be localized.


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