  • 學位論文


Research on Tourism Recreation Industry and Outdoors Teaching Market Innovation Take Chin-Shui and Ta-Chia as examples

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


本研究之主要目的在於了解目前國小教師及觀光休閒業者在舉辦戶外 教學活動時,所面臨的問題,及對於戶外教學媒合平台的需求性。本研究 以自編問卷進行調查,在教師部份共計回收300 份問卷,業者的部份為216 份,發放區域僅限於台中清水、大甲地區。所得資料以次數分配及百分比、 交叉比對進行資料分析,本研究發現在教師面臨的問題方面,主要為「學 生安全堪憂」、「適合地點尋覓不易」及「無專業導覽人員」等;在業者 的部份,以「不易招攬學校或補教業者」、「學生秩序難以掌控」、「學 生安全堪憂」及「活動內容規劃不易」等問題。而就觀光休閒業者在進行 戶外教學活動之主要客源來自於學校自辦活動為主,其次則為補教業者, 他們面臨的問題包括「不易招攬學校或補教業者」、「學生秩序難以掌控」、 「學生安全堪憂」及「活動內容規劃不易」等問題。 在教師與業者對於戶外教學媒合平台接受度及使用意願方面,教師針對 平台的需求性為87.1%,而使用意願在89%;針對業者的部份,需求性為 88.1%,使用意願為94.7%,顯示不論業者或教師皆具有戶外教學媒合平台 之需求。最後在教師與業者對於戶外教學媒合平台之功能需求方面,教師 主要的功能需求為「各式戶外教學景點資訊」、「戶外教學活動規劃」及 「學習單設計」;而業者方面,主要功能需求為「配合課程之戶外教學活 動內容」、「園區及附近知識庫內容整理建置」及「於線上媒合爭取戶外 教學客戶」等。


The purpose of this study is to understand two points: First, the problems which elementary- school teachers and people in tourism field may currently have when holding outdoor educational activities. Second, the demand of intermediary platform for holding outdoor educational activities. For the study, we surveyed in the Cingshuei and Dajia area, Taichung City. The data was collected within the 300 feedbacks from the teachers and 216 feedbacks from the people in the business. We analyzed the data by the method of frequency distribution and cross-matching, and found out the following result: The main problems teachers would have are concerning students’ safety, location-find difficulty and professional tour guide deficiency. The main problems people in the business would have are difficulty to solicit business from school or private educational institute, difficulty to control the behaviors of the students, worrying of students’ safety & difficulty to plan contents of the activities. When it comes to the acceptance level of the platform and intention to use it, the data shows that 87.1% of the teachers would need it and 89% would be willing to use it. In the meantime, the number came out with 88.1% and 94.7% for the people in tourism field. As we can see from the statistics, both groups have needs for the platform. At last we found out what each group would need from the platform: For teaching group, they need information of various places for the activities, plan for the activities and design of the learning menu. For the business group, they need activity contents matched with teaching material, building of the knowledge database and the park and matching with the potential customers online.


leisure tourism outdoor education industry


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