  • 學位論文


A Case Study of an American Teacher’s Cross-cultural Adjustment at a University of Technology in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林進瑛


本研究是針對一位美籍老師在台灣一所大學的教學期待和實際的教學經驗的差異來探索其跨文化適應問題。此外,更進一步探討學校可提供什麼樣的訓練來協助美籍老師跨文化適應問題。本研究以質性(訪談)研究的方法收集資料。研究分析結果顯示受訪者碰到這四項挑戰:文化衝擊,語言障礙,美籍老師和學校之間的疏遠關係及學術文化差距的挑戰。而且這四項挑戰可以解釋說明這個美籍老師原本對生活,工作和教書上的期望和其實際經驗的落差。而在適應過程中,有些因素例如像: 受訪者的教育背景和教學經驗、友善的台灣人、良好的台灣家庭價值觀、好的台灣福利及可付擔的稅和保險、學校行政人員的幫助及加強中文程度可以幫助他克服這些挑戰。 根據研究結果,本研究會使以英語為母語的老師從本研究受惠於教學方法修正及跨文化適應。最終,本研究提供一個架構來了解外籍老師的跨文化適應,以及更清楚了解東西方學術文化的差距。 關鍵字: 生活/工作/教學的期待與經驗、跨文化適應、學術文化差距


This study explored the cross-cultural adjustment of a native English-speaking teacher (NEST) from U.S.A. in terms of the differences between his expectations and experiences while teaching at a university of technology in central Taiwan. The study also aimed to investigate what kinds of training or courses that may improve the NEST’s cross-cultural adjustment. Qualitative research was used throughout the study and consisted of a series of interviews. The results of the study showed that the NEST faces the four challenges while adjusting to a different cultural environment: culture shock, language barrier, alienative relationship between the NEST and the school, and differences in Academic cultures. In addition, these four challenges could account for the differences between the NEST’s expectations for his work and teaching and his actual experiences in Taiwan. In the process of his adjustment, there are some factors which help him overcome those challenges: educational background and teaching experience, friendly Taiwanese, good Taiwanese family culture, good welfare and affordable insurance/taxes in Taiwan, administrative assistance from the school, and improving Chinese proficiency. Based on the results, this study suggests that NESTs would benefit not only from the modification of teaching methods but also more generally in terms of cross-cultural adjustment outside of the classroom. Ultimately, this study offers a framework for understanding the issues surrounding Nests’ cross-cultural adjustment, and provides a clearer understanding of the cultural differences between academic environments in Eastern and Western institutions. Keywords: Living/Working/Teaching Expectations and Experiences, Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Academic Culture in Distance


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