  • 學位論文


The Study on adaptive capacity of Detained defendant

指導教授 : 徐璧君 田靜婷


摘 要 羈押被告於看守所內不僅面對司法審判的不確定性,並且其家庭關係及社會關係的中斷、職場工作的停滯及遭受拘禁的內心衝擊等多重影響下,非常不利羈押被告於看守所內之適應能力。 本研究在研究方法上採取問卷調查法,主要探討影響羈押被告在看守所內社會支持、看守所處遇及因應策略對適應能力的影響。研究對象係以法務部矯正署台中看守所之18歲以上男性羈押被告為研究之母群體。總計有效問卷,計有292份,分析結果發現: 一、 羈押被告如年齡、宗教信仰、教育程度、訴訟階段、婚姻狀況等基本特性,對其適應能力都有顯著之影響。 二、 羈押被告於看守所處遇之戒護管理、教化處遇、醫療照護、環境壓力,對其適應能力都有顯著之影響。 三、 羈押被告面對壓力愈傾向使用消極逃避之因應策略時,對其適應能力有顯著之影響。 最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出下列建議,提供看守所未來在加強羈押被告適應能力相關作為時之參考: (一)研修羈押法規,符合人權潮流。(二)建立新收個案評估與輔導機制。(三)改善矯正醫療模式,提供多元照護服務。 (四)降低負面監禁生活壓力之處遇措施。


羈押被告 看守所 適應能力


ABSTRACT The defendants in justice detention centers face not only uncertainty, but also their family relations and social relations interrupted workplace and job stagnation, and the influence of multiple shocks, in sake of being very that is unfavorable for custody of the accused in detention centers adaptability. In this study, the research method adopted questionnaire, mainly discusses the impact of the accused in custody at the detention center within the community to support the detention center at the event and coping strategies impact on the ability to adapt. Object of study is based on the department of Justice Correction Taichung detention center over the age of 18 men of the accused in custody groups. Total valid questionnaires, of 292, were analyzed. The main result is as follow: 1. Takes into custody the defendant like age, the religious belief, the education level, the lawsuit stage, the marital status and so on the basic characteristic, all has the remarkable influence to its amativeness. 2. Takes into custody the defendant to meet the abstention in the lockup to protect the management, the enlightenment place meets, the medical service looks after, the environment pressure, all has the remarkable influence to its amativeness. 3. Takes into custody the defendant when favors the use negative escape facing the pressure in accordance to the strategy, to its amativeness has the remarkable influence. Finally, according to the research findings, this study proposes the following recommendations to strengthen in the future to provide detention in custody accused as the ability to adapt to the time of the relevant reference: 1. Does research takes into custody the laws and regulations, conforms to the human rights tidal current. 2. Establishes receives the case appraisal and the counseling mechanism newly. 3. The improvement correction medical service pattern provides multi-dimensional looks after the service. 4. Reduces place of the negative imprisonment life pressure to meet the measure.


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