  • 學位論文


A Study on Life Script Transitioning of Male Domestic Violence Perpetrators

指導教授 : 黃松林


在婚姻暴力事件中,男女皆有可能同時成為受害者與相對人。相對於早已受社會各界所關注之女性婚姻暴力受害者的議題,男性相對人卻一直為台灣社會所忽視。 在台灣男性由於性別角色刻板印象的模塑,被要求必須相對堅強,所承擔的社會責任及要求也相對的高。此一外在由人們所共同發展出的對於男人或女人之人格特質,所抱持之ㄧ般結構化之共通信念,久而久之,便會個人內隱於人格層面之中,男性婚暴相對人亦然。為了幫助這群男性婚暴相對人,在情緒上得以宣洩且增加對家庭暴力之了解,進而提升其溝通技巧,是以內政部特於2004年成立「男性關懷專線」,希企透過持續性的對保護令期間之男性相對人的深度訪談,結合TA理論的應用,幫助當事人察覺自己在溝通上的盲點,進而為自己的生命重新做決定。本研究除進行量化統計以呈現受訪之關懷專線受助男性基本圖像外,更以半開放性訪談法,對四位接受「男性關懷專線」輔導之受訪者進行訪談,並得出三項研究成果。 (一)早期生命腳本中習得之人際互動策略與父母溝通型態,往往型 構婚姻關係危機的一角。 (二)一旦自我察覺,婚暴男性相對人均呈現相對積極之改變意願。 (三)家庭瀕臨破碎之危機,迫使男性相對人,為自己的人生再次下決定,進而形構為人生的轉機。


男性相對人 婚姻暴力 PAC TA理論 保護令


In domestic violence events, men and women can both be victim and perpetrator. Although issues regarding female victim of domestic violence that have attracted significant attentions from all fields, issues regarding male perpetrators in Taiwan have been ignored. Gender stereotype of Taiwanese men is shaped to be strong minded and assume higher social responsibilities and requirements. This generally structured common belief regarding external male and female characteristics that have been developed collectively in the community is internalized into individual personalities eventually. This internalization also occurs to male domestic violence perpetrators. To help these male domestic violence perpetrators express their emotions, gain their knowledge regarding domestic violence, and improve their communication techniques, the Ministry of the Interior established the “Male-care Hotline” to conduct continuous in-depth interviews with male perpetrators during their restrained period under an order of protection. Combining the Transactional Analysis they help the interviewees perceive their blind spots in communication and they can make a new decision for their life. The quantitative statistics of this research described the general picture of sixteen male perpetrators who had been helped by Hotline. This study also used a semi-structured interview method to interview four participants who received counseling of the male-care hotline. Three research results were obtained. (a)Early strategic manipulation of life scripts and the communication model of the Parent state tend to cause a hidden martial crisis. (b)Once they perceive their misdeeds, male domestic violence perpetrators exhibit relatively active intentions to change. (c)When a family faces a crisis of breaking down, male perpetrators are forced to make another decision for their life, thereby forming a turning point in their life.


馬慧君、張世雄(2006)。變遷社會中的女性—一個生命歷程的研究觀點。國際文化研究,2(2), 59-97。


