  • 學位論文


Study on the Relationships among Self-concept, School Life Adjustment and School Bullying Behaviors of 5th and 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Taichung City

指導教授 : 黃寶園


本研究旨在瞭解國小高年級學童自我概念、學校生活適應及校園霸凌行為間之關係,採用問卷調查法,以「我的校園生活經驗量表」為研究工具,內容包括「個人背景資料」、「自我概念量表」、「學生生活適應量表」、「我和同學相處經驗量表」等四個部分,並以臺中市15所國民小學五、六年級學童為研究對象進行調查,得有效問卷791 份。根據受試學童填答結果,採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t-test、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸等統計方法進行研究分析。研究結論如下: 一、臺中市國小高年級學童自我概念偏正向表現,以「家庭自我」層面發展最趨正向。 二、臺中市國小高年級學童學校生活適應狀況良好,以「同儕關係」層面狀況最佳。 三、國小高年級學童在整體校園霸凌行為(受霸凌、霸凌)屬輕微程度,以「口語上的霸凌」此層面行為最常發生。 四、不同性別、不同年級學童在自我概念部分層面有顯著差異;不同家庭結構、不同家庭社經地位學童在自我概念大部分層面有顯著差異。 五、不同性別、不同年級學童在學校生活適應部分層面有顯著差異;不同家庭結構、不同家庭社經地位學童在學校生活適應各層面有顯著差異。 六、不同性別學童在校園霸凌行為(受霸凌、霸凌)大部分層面有顯著差異;不同年級在校園霸凌行為部分層面有顯著差異、但在受霸凌行為層面未達顯著差異;不同家庭結構、不同家庭社經地位學童在校園霸凌霸凌行為(受霸凌、霸凌)各層面皆未達顯著差異。 七、國小高年級學童自我概念與學校生活適應之間,呈現正相關。 八、國小高年級學童自我概念與校園霸凌行為(受霸凌、霸凌),呈現負相關且大部分層面達顯著差異。 九、國小高年級學童學校生活適應與校園受霸凌行為,全部層面皆呈現負相關且達顯著差異;與校園霸凌行為呈現負相關且幾近全部層面達顯著差異。 十、國小高年級學童在自我概念各層面的預測力發現,對整體校園受霸凌行為的預測部分,以「學校自我」的預測力最高;而以「學校自我」、「道德自我」層面對整體校園霸凌行為最能預測。 十一、國小高年級學童在學校生活適應各層面的預測力發現,以「師生關係」、「自我適應」層面對整體校園受霸凌行為的預測力最強;以「同儕關係」層面對整體校園霸凌行為的預測力最強。 最後根據研究結果,提出建議以供學校行政、老師、學童家長及後續相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand the relationships among the self-concept, school life adjustment, and school bullying behavior of 5th and 6th grade elementary school students. A questionnaire survey was adopted and a“My School Life Experience Scale”was used as research tool. There are four parts included in that scale, which were “Demographics,” “Self-Concept Scale,” “Student Life Adjustment Scale,”and“How I Get Along with My Classmates Scale.” The 5th and 6th graders of 15 elementary schools of Taichung City were chosen as subjects. After completing the questionnaire, totally 791 effective samples were obtained. The responses were then analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regressions. The main findings were as follows: 1. The entire self-concept is positive in the 5th and 6th graders of Taichung City elementary schools, and it is the aspect of “family self” by no mean the most positively developed. 2. The school life adjustments are great in the 5th and 6th graders of Taichung City elementary schools, and it is the aspect of “peer relationships” that counted having the greatest development. 3. It is in minor degree regarding of bullying (bullying or being bullied) in the 5th and 6th graders of Taichung City elementary schools, and it happened the most frequent in the aspect of “verbal bullying.” 4. Students of different gender and grades show significant differences in the aspect of self-concept; however, students come from different family structures and social positions demonstrate significant differences in the aspect of self-concept. 5. Students of different gender and grades show significant differences in the aspect of school life adjustment; but, students come from different family structures and social positions reveal significant differences in every aspect of school life adjustment. 6. Students of opposite sex indicate significant differences in most aspects of school bullying behavior (bullying or being bullied); however, it is the different grade that show significant difference in parts of school bullying behavior aspects, but insignificant in being bullied. And, it is insignificant for students with different family structures and social positions in every aspect of school bullying behavior (bullying or being bullied). 7. The 5th and 6th graders demonstrate positive relationships between self-concept and school life adjustment. 8. It shows negatively correlated and significant in most aspects between self-concept and school bullying behavior (bullying and being bullied). 9. The 5th and 6th graders demonstrate negatively correlated and significant differences in all aspects of school life adjustment and being bullied in school bullying behavior, and it shows significant negative correlations between school life adjustment and school bullying behavior in nearly all aspects. 10. In predictability of self-concept of students, we found that it is the aspect of “school self” that is able to well predict the entire being bullied behavior; while “school self” and “morale self” counted the highest predictability in the entire school bullying behavior. 11. In predictability of school life adjustment of the students, we found that it is the aspects of “teacher-student relationship” and “self-adjustment” demonstrating the highest predictability in the entire being bullied in school; however, it is the aspect of “peer relationship” counted the highest predictability of the entire school bullying behavior. Finally, according to the above findings, some suggestions were provided for school administrators, teachers, students’ parents and related further researches on bullying issues.


陳美華(2007)。身體活動、自我概念和自尊關係之文獻回顧。台灣運動心理學報,11,17-39 。
