  • 學位論文


To evaluate the effective dose for patient undergone Ga-67 nuclear medicine examination via TLD technique and water phantom

指導教授 : 潘榕光


論文以自製水假體配合TLD度量技術評量患者接受 核子醫學檢查之有效劑量值。對於體內劑量的評估少有以輻射度量儀器進行實際偵測的文獻發表,而論文藉由建立一個實際量測的劑量測量系統,期望對有效劑量有一個更接近於真實的評估。TLD被挑選作為器官暴露在放射活性中之累積劑量測量工具,並透過自製水假體模擬人體的新陳代謝情況。根據不同的ICRP建議,器官等價劑量與有效劑量被導出,藉此評估輻射生物損傷,以及導致機率性效應之風險。在1.5、3、4.5、6天的生物半衰期下,實驗結果以ICRP 60號建議之參數推導得2.38、3.48、4.28、4.29 mSv之男性有效劑量; 2.73、3.94、4.78、4.88 mSv之女性有效劑量,以ICRP 103號建議之參數推導得2.43、3.64、4.48、4.44 mSv之男性有效劑量;2.58、3.84、4.70、4.71 mSv之女性有效劑量。論文並以上述數據獲得4個有效劑量經驗公式。有效劑量結果顯示患者因接受 核醫檢查而導致癌症或遺傳疾病之機率是很輕微的。論文最後透過比值驗證與 有效劑量文獻之比較,討論有效劑量之準確性,並對假體活性分佈之情況與雙光峰輝光曲線之表現做解析。


The effective dose from the Ga-67 citrate nuclear medicine examination was evaluated by an indigenous water phantom and TLD technique. The phantom was made by PMMA material and assembled on the basis of ICRU-48 recommendation. The well calibrated TLDs were put inside the 44 kg water trunk phantom to imply the internal organs and left for 6 days exposure. The inserted water was mixed with 2 mCi Ga-67 citrate to represent the patient undergone nuclear medicine examination. Furthermore, the Ga-67 citrate solution was gradually replaced by clean water to imply the human metabolic mechanism and the water turn over rate were controlled as 1.5, 3.0. 4.5 and 6.0 days, respectively to replace the half amount of the total volume. This was done to imply the various biological half lives in practical cases. The evaluated effective dose was (1) male: 2.38, 3.48, 4.28 and 4.29 mSv; (2) female: 2.73, 3.94, 4.78 and 4.88 mSv for biological half life 1.5, 3.0. 4.5 and 6.0 days, respectively in this work. The reported doses were calculated according to the ICRP-60 recommendation, whereas the doses become (1) male: 2.43, 3.64, 4.48 and 4.44 mSv; (2) female: 2.58, 3.84 4.70 and 4.71 mSv according to the ICRP-103 recommendation. The analyzed results were also compared to other researches with either similar technique or MIRD theoretical simulation as well. Comprehensive discussions on the basis of either comparison in various effective doses or TLD technique were also obtained herein.


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