  • 學位論文


The Paternalistic Leadership in High-Tech R&D Industry-A Case Study

指導教授 : 陳冠政


由於亞洲區域經濟近年來快速發展,東方社會體系的獨特組織管理行為儼然成為重要之議題,而華人領導理論更是學者們競相研究探討的範籌,但因華人家長式領導理論正處於實証及修改階段,在理論文獻的研究脈絡之中,尚未針對高科技產業做理論探索的研究,故本研究的目的有兩點:(一)探討華人家長式領導行為是否因外商企業文化的深植、組織制度及人格特質的不同而相對產生影響或轉化,並於研究中檢視其關聯。(二)探究家長式領導行為在領導高科技產業員工的最適呈現。研究架構主要是以家長式領導理論為基礎,先確認該個案公司存在家長式領導行為,之後再著手進行外商企業文化、組織制度及人格特質的探討分析。 配合研究架構,本研究設計主要是採質化個案研究法,深入去探索華人領導者在高科技產業中的家長式領導行為,以實地面對面的方式,與七位領導者進行深度訪談,再藉由概念詮釋法來分析整理資料,並於研究中詳細描述實際領導的行為態度,以及歸納出家長式領導構面中,用以領導高科技員工的最適搭配行為。 透過資料分析的歸納與整理後,本研究所獲得的重要結論如下: 一、高科技產業領導者之領導行為貼近於家長式領導,且因企業文化及組織環境的不同,而有領導行為上的轉化。領導者傾向透過仁慈領導行為來帶領部屬,而研發工作環境而言,過多的威權領導行為並不利於領導高科技員工。 二、家長式領導的威權、仁慈、德行三大行為構面,領導者在比重上是會依職位、階級、情境而做最適調配,並非等比固定不變的三種領導行為共存。 三、西方管理文化深植之下,領導者大幅提高仁慈領導的行為程度。而在專案式矩陣組織的設計上,專案領導者採行立威多於施恩的領導行為,其功能領導者則採取施恩多於立威的領導行為。 最後,討論本研究的研究限制,提出後續研究建議與心得反思,以及本研究在領導理論與管理實務上的意涵。


In recent years Asia makes great progress in economy. The unique organization management and the theory of Paternalistic Leadership are popular issues in eastern society. But now it is still testified and revised. The study of Paternalistic Leadership has been proceeding for years. However, the study is not yet aimed at high-tech industry. The purpose of this study has two: (1) In order to explore whether Paternalistic Leadership is affected by western business culture, the difference in personality and the system of organization. And survey its connection each other. (2) For discussing the best way of behavior that leading engineers with Paternalistic Leadership. The main research framework is based on Paternalistic Leadership. After confirming whether Paternalistic Leadership exists in the company, then proceed to analyze western business culture, organization and personality. This study is to explore Paternalistic Leadership behavior of Chinese leader in high-tech industry with case study. This research used interviews with 7 leaders face-to-face and marshaled information with analytic comparison. Then describe the behavior of leadership and the best way of leading engineers in high-tech industry. After analytic, The findings suggest that : (1) The directive way of the leader is close to Paternalistic Leadership. Owing to the difference in business culture and organization, the behavior of leadership is totally dissimilar. Mostly the leader prefer to head up subordinates with Benevolent Leadership and Moral Leadership. On the other hand, Authoritarian Leadership seems to against the performance of the company. (2) Construct of Paternalistic Leadership contains three types about Authoritarian Leadership, Benevolent Leadership and Moral Leadership. The percentage of Paternalistic Leadership is not the same, the leader still puts the different percentage in three types depends on position, class, and situation. (3) When business is deeply affected by the culture of western management, the leader often heads up subordinates with Benevolent Leadership. In project matrix, the leader of project management adopts Authoritarian Leadership more than Benevolent Leadership. On the Contrary, the leader of function management adopts Benevolent Leadership. The direction for further research and implications for practice in leadership were discussed finally


