  • 學位論文


The Effects of Health Promotion of Middle-aged on Medical Utilization in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正


本研究目的主要探討台灣地區40 到64 歲中年人口族群的運動、 體重控制、成人健康檢查、流行性感冒疫苗四種健康促進和抽菸、喝 酒、嚼食檳榔三種健康危害對醫療服務利用情形進行分析研究。本研 究是採用行政院衛生署國民健康局「民國九十四年國民健康訪問地查 個人問卷( 12 歲-64 歲個人資料問卷檔)」的資料庫進行分析,篩選出 40 到64 歲中年人口族群共7,580 位的個案為研究對象,再刪除遺漏 值後,主要研究對象為7,364 位。使用SPSS 12.0 版統計軟體進行資 料處理分析,依據研究變項的性質與研究問題,執行合適的統計分析。 一、瞭解台灣地區中年人口的健康促進的情形。 本研究結果顯示:在健康促進方面,台灣地區中年人口有規律運動者 佔34.3%、有做體重控制者佔33%、過去一年內有做成人健康檢查者 佔21%、過去一年內有注射流行性感冒疫苗者佔10.6%、有飲酒習慣 者佔38.6%、有吸菸習慣者佔32.4%、有嚼食檳榔習慣者佔16.4%。 二、瞭解台灣地區中年人口醫療服務利用的情形。 本研究結果顯示:在醫療服務利用方面,台灣地區中年人口過去一年 內有使用過住院醫療服務者佔7.4%、過去一個月內有使用西醫門診 醫療服務者佔36.7%、過去一個月內有使用中醫門診服務者佔9.8%。 三、探討台灣地區中年人口健康促進情形在不同人口與社會、經濟特 性的差異情形。 本研究結果發現,健康促進情況會因不同的人口社會經濟特性而有所 差異。具有較多健康促進方面特徵:女性、大學以上教育者、有配偶 者、高收入者;具有較多健康危害方面特徵:男性、國中、無配偶者、 戶籍與居住地區在東部地區者、個人月收入在兩萬元以上者。 四、探討台灣地區中年人口健康促進情形與自覺健康狀況對醫療服務 利用之影響。 越無健康危害情形,其住院、西、中醫門診的利用次數愈高;越有健 康促進情形,其西醫門診的利用次數愈高;越有規律運動情況,其中 醫門診的利用次數愈高;與前一年健康狀況比較好者,其住院與中醫 門診利用次數愈高。 希望本研究結果可提供公共衛生相關單位對於中年人口推動健 康促進活動為參考之用,也期許可提供政府擬定降低醫療成本負擔之 政策,以預防濫用醫療資源及健康促進計畫之參考。


The purpose of this study in Taiwan is investigating the population from 40 to 64-year-old middle-aged , exercise, weight control, adult health screening, influenza vaccination of four health promotion and smoking, drinking, and betel nut chewing three types of health hazards to the health service utilization analysis of case studies. This study used the Department of Health Bureau of Health, "Republic of China 90 years to investigate individual National Health Interview survey (12 years old -64 years old questionnaire of personal data files)," analysis of the database were selected from 40 to 64-year-old middle-aged A total of 7,580 spaces ethnic population study of individual cases, and then remove the missing values, the main object of study for the 7,364 spaces. Using SPSS 12.0 version statistical analysis of data processing software, according to the nature of the variables and research questions, and it will perform the appropriate statistical analysis. Firstly, to understand the middle-aged population in Taiwan, and the situation of health promotion. The results show that: in health promotion, middle-aged population in Taiwan accounted for 34.3% of regular exercise, weight control who has done 33% done within the past year, health examinations for adults were 21%, over the past year with influenza vaccine were 10.6%, and accounted for 38.6% of drinking habits, smoking habits accounted for 32.4%, with betel nut chewing habits accounted for 16.4%. Secondly, to understand the middle-aged population in Taiwan, and the situation of medical service utilization. Our results Showing that use of medical services, middle- aged population in Taiwan have used inpatient medical services accounted for 7.4% in the past years, and using ambulatory care services accounted for 36.7%, within the past month who had used Chinese medicine out-patient services were 9.8%. Thirdly, middle-aged population in Taiwan Area Health conditions in different population and socio-economic characteristics Of the differences. The study found that health promotion in the population varied because of different socio-economic characteristics . Health promotion with more features such as female, college educated, married, and higher incomes; with more health hazards characteristics are such as male, junior, no spouse, residence and place of residence in the eastern region, individual monthly income at 20,000 yuan or more. Fourthly, middle-aged population of health promotion in Taiwan situation and perceived the effects of the health status on medical service The more non-health hazard situation, the higher of the hospital and the use of Chinese medicine out-patient; the more health-promoting conditions, the higher the number of outpatient utilization; more regular movement, the higher the number the use of Chinese medicine out-patient; and the better health status the year before those of its inpatient and outpatient use of the number of higher Chinese. We hope this study will provide public health related agencies for the middle-aged population to promote health promotion activities for the reference; also, wishing to drawn on the licensing provision of government policies reduce the burden of medical costs in order to prevent waste of medical resources and health promotion program for reference. Keywords: middle-aged population, health-promoting behaviors, health risk behaviors, perceived health status, Medical care utilization


區國民自付醫療費用調查:1992 年國民醫療保健支出調查之初步


