  • 學位論文


The study of participant’s attitude of serious leisure and flow experience on Tai-Chi Sport

指導教授 : 張庭彰


現代人生活步調非常快速,來自生活和工作的壓力令人能以招架,為了紓解工作壓力,各種休閒活動逐漸受到大家的重視,但是現代人往往著重於個人事業的發展,而忽略了休閒運動,一旦個體身心健康出了問題,才會驚覺休閒運動的重要性。因此,休閒運動成了調劑身心重要的一環。現今社會大眾所熟悉的休閒運動如:太極拳、氣功、瑜珈等,可以說是蓬勃發展,其中練太極拳能健身以及預防疾病的觀念也都被大眾廣為接受。本研究目的旨在探討太極拳運動者深度休閒特質與流暢體驗之間的關係。 本研究工具採用問卷設計,抽樣方式為便利抽樣,並以屏東縣薪傳鄭子太極拳協會所設之教練場為研究場域,研究對象為太極拳教練場之參與者,共得有效問卷242份,回收率為86.4%。本研究採用「深度休閒量表」及「流暢體驗量表」來搜集資料。 研究結果顯示:太極拳運動參與者以41~60歲的已婚者,且具有大學(專科)學歷的退休人員、家管及學生居多;從事太極拳運動的頻率以每週3~4次、且每次運動時間以1~2小時佔多數。在受訪者屬性之年齡、婚姻、教育程度、職業、運動年資、運動頻率、運動時間、研習次數及是否參加過比賽對深度休閒特質方面具有顯著差異;在受訪者屬性之性別、年齡、職業、個人月收入、運動年資、運動頻率、運動時間、研習次數及是否參加過比賽對流暢體驗方面具有顯著差異。此外,研究發現,深度休閒特質與流暢體驗呈現正相關,這表示當太極拳運動參與者對這項深度休閒運動投入愈多心力時,其深度休閒特質尌愈明顯,對於流暢體驗的感受也愈好,因此,深度休閒特質愈明顯對於流暢體驗尌愈具影響力。


深度休閒 流暢體驗 太極拳


Nowadays due to fast pace of life style, people are easily burned out by the pressure from work and living. In order to escape form the pressure, recreational activities become a leading role of helping balancing people’s body and mind. Among these popular activities such as Tai-Chi, Yoga, and Qigong, Tai-Chi was widely accepted by the public not only because it can improve health but also prevent illness. The purpose of this study aimed to explore the Tai-Chi practitioners’ serious leisure traits and how it related to their flow experience. Survey questionnaire and random sampling were employed as the researching instruments. In addition, the researching field was located at Ping-Tung New Generation CMC Tai Chi Chuan coach fields. The subjects were the practitioners in the mentioned fields. A total of 242 effective questionnaires were collected and the return rate was 86.4%. This study used “serious leisure measurement” and “flow experience measurement” to gather the data. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were computed to analyze data. The results of the study indicated: (1) Most of Tai-Chi practitioners ageing from 41 to 60 are married, have college degree and they are retirees, housekeepers and students. They exercised three to four times per week and each time lasted from one to two hours. (2) There were significant differences of serious leisure traits based upon participants’ age, marriage statues, educational background, occupation, contest experience, workshop attending, exercise longevity, exercise frequency and exercise duration. (3) There were also significant differences of flow experience applying to their sex, age, occupation, monthly income, contest experience, workshop attending, exercise longevity, exercise frequency and exercise duration. (4) Dada analysis showed serious leisure traits and flow experience were positively correlative. In other words,when the Tai-Chi participants devoted more time toward the activity, their serious leisure traits became more remarkable and their flow experience also could reach a higher degree. To sum up, higher serious leisure traits could influence flow experience significantly.


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