  • 學位論文


A Study of Restaurant Management Department Students' Difficulties in Learning English Conversation and Their Solutions

指導教授 : 曾守得


近年來台灣休閒產業迅速發展,為提升餐飲從業人員服務水準及給予外國人士專業服務,教育部曾在九十四年職業學校餐旅群科課程暫行綱要中將「餐旅英語與會話」列為專業必修與實習科目;另在九十八年推動技職通識教育改善計畫之成果發表會中,學者分析技職院校熱門類群與學生就業趨勢:餐飲為排名前五大最受歡迎的類科。有此可知,餐飲科英語課程比其他非英語主修科別更受重視。研究者旨在調查餐飲科學生學習英語會話所遇見之困難,並分析學生如何解決這些困難。研究方法採問卷、訪問與教室觀察的方式,問卷調查一百三十四位餐飲科學生,分高、中、低分三組,訪問九位學生(每組三人),以及觀察六節英語會話課程。資料收集後,研究者分析此科學生學習英語會話時所發生的困難及他們的解決方式。研究發現:1.單字量不足是造成餐飲科學生聽與說困難的主要原因。2.要求對方重覆說明是此科學生解決”聽”部份困難的主要方法。3.使用其他方式去解釋(如身體語言),是此科學生解決”說”部份困難的主要方法。4.高分組學生提出六種提升他們英文會話能力的方法:(1) 上課專心聽講;(2) 詢問老師;(3) 多背生字; (4) 多與同學練習; (5) 藉由網路與外國朋友溝通;(6)聽英文歌。中分組學生提出 (1) 上課專心聽講;(2) 多背生字;(3) 多與同學練習; (4)看英語節目 (5) 去補習等方式提升他們英文會話能力。低分組學生提出 (1) 多背生字;(2) 買英文CD模仿其發音;(3) 聽英文歌等方式提升他們英文會話能力。因此,多背單字是三組學生都認為有用的解決方式,此方式也與問卷的發現一致。


Tourism industry in Taiwan has developed rapidly in recent years. In order to improve the qualities of service for foreign customers, English conversation abilities for restaurant management department students are obviously needed. Besides, in 2005, the Ministry of Education listed Hospitality English and Conversation as a specialized compulsory and the practice subject in the courses of hospitality and tourism field (MOE. 2005). In addition, the top five popular major departments in technical colleges, the restaurant management department has become one of the best choices. Because of these reasons the researcher examined the difficulties encountered by students from the restaurant management department learning English conversation in terms of speaking and listening. Data were gathered by having 134 student-respondents answer the questionnaire. Students were divided into three groups: high-level, mid-level, and low-level learners. Nine students were interviewed (three from each group), and six classes were observed in order to determine the actual difficulties of the students. The major findings are as follows: 1. Most students consider insufficient vocabulary as their major difficulty in listening and speaking. 2. Asking the speaker to repeat is the preferred solution to their difficulty in listening.3. Using alternative ways to express themselves, including body language, is their preferred solution to their speaking difficulty. 4. High level students provide six ways to improve their English ability; namely, concentrating on class learning, requiring teachers to ask if students have any questions, memorizing new words, practicing with classmates, chatting with friends in English on the Internet, and listening to English songs. These answers were similar to the answers of the middle-level respondents except watching English TV programs and going to cram schools to study English. Low- level students consider memorizing more new words, listening to English CDs to imitate the pronunciation of English speakers and listening to English songs as the ways to improve their English conversation abilities. From the three level students’ answers, memorizing more new words is the common method which they consider useful. This answer also corresponds to the answer resulted from the questionnaire.


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