  • 期刊


The Study of Senior-High-School Teachers' Capacity on Self-Determination of Students with Mental Retardation in Special Education Schools


本研究旨在了解目前任教於特殊教育學校高職部之教師,對智能障礙學生自我決策素養之現況,進而分析影響其素養之相關因素。研究者是以全國各公立特殊教育學校中,任教於綜合職能科之教師為研究對象,採立意取樣的方式,選取二百五十名為研究樣本進行調查研究,研究工具為自編之「特殊教育學校高職部教師對智能障礙學生自我決策素養之研究問卷」。所獲得的資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。依據資料分析結果,本研究得到以下三點結論: 一、 特殊教育學校高職部教師對智能障礙學生自我決策素養的現況 目前國內特殊教育學校高職部教師對於智能障礙學生自我決策的素養,表現屬中上程度;其中以自我決策評價的表現最佳,其次為自我決策教學,自我決策認知表現相對較弱。 二、 不同背景變項之高職部教師對智能障礙學生自我決策素養的差異情形 在自我決策認知方面,不同特教專業背景教師表現達到顯著差異;在自我決策教學方面,不同性別及服務學校所在地的教師表現達到顯著差異,而在自我決策評價方面,不同學歷背景之教師表現達到顯著差異。 三、 不同背景變項對高職部教師對智能障礙學生自我決策素養之預測力 在對自我決策認知的預測中,特教專業背景對自我決策認知得分具預測力。對自我決策教學的預測中,任教學校地區及性別對自我決策教學得分具預測力。而在對自我決策評價的預測中,年齡及特教專業背景對自我決策的評價的得分具預測力。對整體自我決策素養的預測中,任教城鄉別、特教專業背景及性別對整體自我決策素養的得分具預測力。


The purpose of this study explored senior-high-school teachers' capacity on self-determination for students with mental retardation in special education schools. The data for this paper were obtained from 250 teachers who currently worked in special education schools on Taiwan. The instrument used in the paper was a questionnaire titled ”Teachers' Capacity on Self-determination for Students with Mental Retardation.” These collected data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple regressions. The major findings in the research are given below: 1. Teachers' capacities on self-determination for students with mental retardation performed above average on the entire questionnaire. The ”Appraisal Capacity on Self-determination” scored the highest, the ”Instruction Capacity on Self-determination” the second, and the ”Knowledge Capacity on self-determination” the last. 2. Variables related to teachers' personal and vocational backgrounds significantly influenced their capacities on students' self-determination. 3. The variable of teachers' professional backgrounds was the best predictor of the ”Knowledge Capacity on Self-determination.” The variables of school locality and teacher's gender were the best predictors of the ”Appraisal Capacity on Self-determination.” The variables of teacher's age and professional backgrounds were the best predictor of the ”Instruction Capacity on Self-determination.” Recommendations are offered concerning the implications of these findings for transition practices, instruction as well as curriculum, and further research.


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