  • 期刊


An Study on Cybercrime and Internet Prevention


電腦和網路技術的發展,使一般人有機會接近大筆的財富或面臨強大的誘惑,因而助長犯罪動機(如網路色情及網路賭博)!這是人類社會所從未有過的。電腦和網路雖然可以作為犯罪工具,相對也提供警察偵防人員新的防制方法,而如何在個人隱私權的保護,為開放社會中基本的公義間取得平衡,底確是資訊科技應用上一個極挑戰性的問題!因此有人大倡管制辦法, 如網路使用規範及管理辦法或網路管理法,甚至成立「網路警察(Internet Poice or Cyberpolice)」。網際網路的誕生為人類帶來便利,但在同時網際網路強大的功能若不幸為有心人所惡用,則其所造成的危害實在難以想像。像前不久國內執政黨總理肖像在網路上遭人篡改、木柵捷運的電腦當機事件、有人從臺灣傳送電子郵件恐嚇美國柯林頓,以及最近網路色情、網路招妓和網路銷贓等犯罪事件,都不禁使人擔心未來網路使用的情況是否會更加惡化?而原先令電腦使用者感到頭痛的電腦病毒,更因網際網路的出現為其提供了一個感染、散播的捷徑,使得網際網路成為電腦病毒傳播的溫床(即稱為網路病毒)。然而古人有云:「水能載舟,亦能覆舟。」雖然網際網路可能帶來危害,但其所具有的功能卻也是不容忽視的。運用電腦網路科技的資訊時代是時勢的潮流,在利用網際網路興利的同時,對其弊端事先予以防範,「善用」網際網路的功能,達其正面的功效。使其為人類的發展提供助力,此是吾人所樂見的。從日常活動M-O-P理論,得知下列一個推論:「當網際網路使用愈普及,則網路犯罪愈是必然發生」,為防止網路犯罪發生,必須相對提高網路安全科技(如防火牆(Firewall)設置)及儘速制定網路使用管理辦法或資訊使用相關法令,亦是本文所要探討的重點。其次為配合未來在警政署成立「網路警察局」,建議在行政院資訊推動小組下成立「全國電腦安全策略及網路犯罪預防措施研究小組」。再者,在本校成立「電腦安全及網路犯罪偵防研究中心」。另外政府應主動積極培養網路犯罪偵防警察人員(如科技警察或網路警察),並提昇檢察官及法官電腦網路基本知識之素養,以面對未來網路社會(Cybersociety)中犯罪問題的挑戰(如網路犯罪學(Cybercrime)之研究)。最後,儘速建立網路犯罪預防資料庫、網際網路安全管理工作站、網路犯罪模式庫及犯罪偵查知識庫,並制訂一套完整資訊網路法規及網路使用管理規範,進而防止網路犯罪發生,提高犯罪破案率及提昇犯罪預防工作績效。




The advance of computer and internet technology is enabling ordinary people to have access to huge money resources, or sensational temptation that was never before possible for people living centuries ago to encounter. Given the knowledge required to use the service as a tool in crime operations, such as cyber pornography, or cyber gambling, this technology can be managed and directed by the police to counteract with this type of crime acts. A challenging task for a free society while enjoying the benefits of internet technology will be where to find the balanced point on the scale between the guarding of the right for privacy for individuals and the justice for the public. Citation on setting up cyber police system is resounding calling for managing activities onto internet.Despite of the convenience brought by internet, if abused and unlawfully manipulated, may lead to unpredictable hazard to the public. It's the trend and, with its powerful features, internet will be favorable for the development of human welfare, if systems addressing on concerns and precaution for the prevention of corruptive activities on internet can be established.Based on M-O-P theory on human behaviors, it can implied that the more the use of internet is widespread, the higher the cybercrime rate will be. Technology for information access security needs further developing in order to effectively prevent the occurring of cybercrime. The researcher recommends a Commission be set up for the study of security strategy for computer systems and the procedures for cybercrime prevention. The government should systemstically recruit and train its cybercrime policing agents. Law-enforcing officials such as prosecutors and judical judges should be educated, so as to be able to deal with the challenge of crime issues in the cybersociety in the future.Finally, a database for cybercrime prevention, check stations for internet security management, a knowledge base with data on the modes of cybercrime operations and investigation, should all be established.




Yu, W. J. (2015). 網路犯 罪之地方法院刑事判決解析 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0201782
